CKR Interactive Leverages Shifts in the Recruitment Landscape

CKR Interactive understands the factors that influence the recruitment landscape and explains ways to leverage these opportunities.

Campbell, CA, December 22, 2010 --( In tumultuous times such as these, recruitment trends are constantly changing. The following details emerging trends and challenges global recruitment marketing agency CKR Interactive ( noted throughout 2010 that will play a large role in the 2011 recruitment realm. The ever-changing landscape can set the stage for new opportunities for those who take advantage.

Social media has become commonplace, if not a necessity, for productive recruitment. All workforce segments can now be found using social media and it’s clear that social media recruitment efforts should not be limited to Millennials, with all generations well represented. Additionally, social media has created a demand for personalized experiences. The job seeker is now more curious and the job platform is more interactive; the job seeker wants to know what’s in it for them. Leverage social media to build networks and talent pools instead of using it primarily as a source to generate applicants and responses to current job openings.

Mobile marketing has also come a long way from text messages. Market research firm Nielsen forecasts that smartphones – which were used by 21 percent of all wireless subscribers at the end of 2009 – will outnumber feature phones in the U.S. market by the end of 2011 and represent approximately half of all wireless subscribers. In another study by comScore Mobilens, adults 25 to 34 have the highest rates of smartphone penetration, followed by adults 35 to 44. Encourage mobile device users to connect quickly and easily by using mobile landing pages, talent network forms, barcodes and mobile-friendly career sites/microsites.

Economic challenges and layoffs have influenced low morale and an increased level of job dissatisfaction in employees. They are ready for a change. Employers should make sure to place emphasis on their retention efforts to keep top talent. Those looking to attract these experienced candidates should aim to engage these candidates and convert them to applicants through a more personalized recruitment experience.

Focus should also be placed back on diversity recruitment. This is an area that has been set aside because of the economy, but recent research shows that this strategy could be detrimental to a company and their employees, in both recruiting and retaining top talent.

“2010 was a fascinating year in terms of growth in technology and how it can be used to enhance recruitment efforts,” shared Curtis Rogers, CKR Interactive’s President and CEO. “We’re very much looking forward to what 2011 has in store for us, and are ready to help our clients make the most of these emerging trends.”

To find out how CKR Interactive can help apply lessons learned from these trends to recruit and retain the talent you need, contact:
Skye Callan
Interactive Marketing Director
(408) 517-1400

About CKR Interactive
Founded in 2001, CKR Interactive is a global recruitment marketing agency delivering comprehensive services to today’s employers. Focusing on interactive solutions, the firm’s areas of expertise also include research and planning, creative development and marketing communications. With offices throughout California, Arizona, Texas, New York and Florida, and OneAgent ( partner agencies in the United Kingdom, Australia, China and India, the award-winning firm’s growing list of clients represents a range of industries, from healthcare/biopharm and high tech to government and hospitality/food service.

CKR Interactive, Inc.
Skye Callan