28states.com Sets New Standards for Virtual Realty Bazaar in India
A site that would give people the ability to browse through various select neighborhoods and even in rural locations not just class “A” or “B” cities.
New Delhi, India, February 02, 2007 --(PR.com)-- With the economy booming and the stock market surging ahead dauntless there’s little doubt that India is fast emerging a rising power in Asia and riding the crest of this boom is the fast paced ascent of India’s real-estate market. If your business is doing well and you're thinking of opening up branches in other cities across the country chances are you will look through the many online real-estate web portals and realize how futile your attempts at locating a property to buy/rent or sell when you are searching for something in a particular area within a city or even a small town. It’s almost like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is this experience that made a young NRI based in New York think ahead to creating a realty web site that made the job sensible to say the least.
Usually most sites have listed within them properties in the class “A” cities and some class “B” cities. However, like it’s done in the real world you are usually looking for a property in a certain neighborhood for ease of commuting or other priorities and don’t have time to look through so many options that might not suit your needs. You just want to narrow down your search to a few areas within a city or town. What if you are looking for a property in a rural area? That might make things tougher yet. Thus was born 28states.com
As the name 28states.com suggests the goal was to create a site that would offer people wanting to buy/rent/sell property anywhere in India spanning all of the 28 states. A site that would give people the ability to browse through various select neighborhoods and even in rural locations not just class “A” or “B” cities. If you’re looking for something in the vicinity of Hauzkhas in Delhi or maybe Ballygunge in Kolkata you will realize how futile your attempts to locate a property would be via the large number of realty portals online. 28states.com has been made just with ease of use in mind-Location, Location Location that is the USP of this unique site.
With the rise in the reality business across the land there are always the usual share of charlatans selling dreams and get rich quick schemes. Though there are no available methods to check this 28states.com offers another unique feature. Listed properties are monitored for progress and current status pictures are posted to ensure the buyer is aware at all time the state of exact progress. So if you’re a buyer based in uptown New York and are buying a flat in Jhumritilaiya in Bihar, you know the exact status of progress at all times. You can share this experience with others which helps weed out the bad apples. Even emigrants looking to buy property or sell an old country house will find this an exceptional site to use. Correct information is available leading to buyers and sellers keeping track of trends and ready information thereby ensuring better prices.
Currently there are over 350+ builders listed on 28states.com with new ones added at a steady stream. The aim is to cover in the next two to three months the entire length and breadth of this country offering to anyone who wishes to buy/rent or sell a property from virtually any corner of the world. Being able to zero in on searches within the site using the “Neighborhood” and “Narrow Down” functions to the closest proximity of a given area needed is what makes this site to be truly termed as user friendly and certainly a cut above all other similar sites online. Peace of mind in the realty business has a new name: 28states.com
Usually most sites have listed within them properties in the class “A” cities and some class “B” cities. However, like it’s done in the real world you are usually looking for a property in a certain neighborhood for ease of commuting or other priorities and don’t have time to look through so many options that might not suit your needs. You just want to narrow down your search to a few areas within a city or town. What if you are looking for a property in a rural area? That might make things tougher yet. Thus was born 28states.com
As the name 28states.com suggests the goal was to create a site that would offer people wanting to buy/rent/sell property anywhere in India spanning all of the 28 states. A site that would give people the ability to browse through various select neighborhoods and even in rural locations not just class “A” or “B” cities. If you’re looking for something in the vicinity of Hauzkhas in Delhi or maybe Ballygunge in Kolkata you will realize how futile your attempts to locate a property would be via the large number of realty portals online. 28states.com has been made just with ease of use in mind-Location, Location Location that is the USP of this unique site.
With the rise in the reality business across the land there are always the usual share of charlatans selling dreams and get rich quick schemes. Though there are no available methods to check this 28states.com offers another unique feature. Listed properties are monitored for progress and current status pictures are posted to ensure the buyer is aware at all time the state of exact progress. So if you’re a buyer based in uptown New York and are buying a flat in Jhumritilaiya in Bihar, you know the exact status of progress at all times. You can share this experience with others which helps weed out the bad apples. Even emigrants looking to buy property or sell an old country house will find this an exceptional site to use. Correct information is available leading to buyers and sellers keeping track of trends and ready information thereby ensuring better prices.
Currently there are over 350+ builders listed on 28states.com with new ones added at a steady stream. The aim is to cover in the next two to three months the entire length and breadth of this country offering to anyone who wishes to buy/rent or sell a property from virtually any corner of the world. Being able to zero in on searches within the site using the “Neighborhood” and “Narrow Down” functions to the closest proximity of a given area needed is what makes this site to be truly termed as user friendly and certainly a cut above all other similar sites online. Peace of mind in the realty business has a new name: 28states.com
Manu Dagar
Manu Dagar
