Hard-Hitting Reality Show Exposes Government Corruption - Courtesy of Hardcore Female Beauty, Courage and Persistence - Produced by Composing Moments Productions

The Reality Genre is Being Taken to a Whole New Level on Puzzled, the Liberty Reality Show, starring the Lolah Girls and produced by Composing Moments Productions. No Frills and No Sugar Coating, Three Powerful Women Put the Pieces Together to Reveal Much More Than the Average Citizen is Taught about Freedom; and Much More than the Average Citizen Probably Cares to Know.

Los Angeles, CA, January 02, 2011 --(PR.com)-- The web-based reality show Puzzled exposes truth in a way that most viewers are not accustomed to. Produced by Composing Moments Productions and starring Cat Bleish, Chanda Panda, and the Truth Fairy, Brooke Kelley, the popular show follows these national activists as they travel the continent fighting crime with love - and the first amendment. Throughout their journey, they encounter celebrities and many others.

Inspired by famous anti war demonstrator Cindy Sheehan, these three super heroines (affectionately known as the Lolah Girls or Ladies of Liberty Alliance, Hardcore) reveal the sometimes startling truth about important topics such as corporate greed, globalization, the war on drugs, over taxation, and above all, free speech. The Lolahs are adamant about holding leaders accountable for their actions by confronting them in person and asking pressing questions, in an attempt to reveal the truth. Street actions and social demonstrations are performed to get the word out, even at the cost of jail time, fines, and violent force used against them.

In its pilot stages, Puzzled has already attracted many thousands of fans who have been looking forward to the season finale released on December 29, 2010. Revamped and poised to make an impact on society, the show promises to deliver the truth about America's quickly eroding liberties. Brooke Kelley, who left her 10-year career in mainstream media after realizing the lack of focus in getting the truth out, states: “When it becomes an act of heroic proportions, to tell the truth, it’s important to reevaluate and question everything.”

Go to: http://www.LolahGirls.com for detailed information and catch the gripping season finale here: http://www.youtube.com/urbanhippelove.

To schedule an interview, speaking engagement, or to reproduce the show in whole or in part: Contact Brooke Kelley at composingmoments@gmail.com or call: 504.432.6590.

Composing Moments Productions - Puzzled TV
Brooke Kelley