Natour Global - Innovative Agile Thinking
Five years post Y2K, many firms are still recovering from the effects of the May 2000 market correction, 9/11, consulting scandals and uncertainty due to the war on Iraq. Add the current oil cost spike and it is clear small businesses starting post Y2K have odds stacked against them. Meanwhile, Sam Natur started Natour Global in 2001, a firm which has grown dramatically. What is the forumla for this success? "Innovative Agile Thinking" Visit for more info!
Mississauga, Canada, September 08, 2005 --( Five years into the post Y2K era, many firms are still recovering from the effects of the May 2000 market correction, September 11th, the consulting scandals of 2002 & 2003 and the uncertainty due to the war on Iraq. Add to that the current spike in oil costs and it becomes quite clear that small businesses starting post Y2K have tremendous odds stacked against them.
Meanwhile, Sam Natur started Natour Global in 2001, a Web Design and Development firm which has been profitable since its first month and has continued to grow dramatically each year. What is the formula for this success? "Innovative Agile Thinking" he states. "I saw a lot people getting phased out of their jobs due to the volatility of the period however within that turmoil I saw that there was also an opportunity to truly help a growing segment of creative, intelligent people with ideas for starting their own companies. Next thing I knew I was barely able to keep up with all the work!"
Fast forward to three years later and he has reached a point where the business is a controlled, sophisticatd Web Development enterprise. "The beauty of this business is that it is something you can work at 24/7 and never get tired of -- I truly enjoy it. When I am not working on client sites, I work on my own site or friends' sites -- or just try altogether new development methods. But I am probably the most biased person to ask about Web Design -- I guess its like asking a priest if he ever needs any time off from religion! My colleagues think I'm too dedicated -- I'm very lucky in that respect!"
In an age when competition on the internet has reached unprecedented levels, Natour Global is filling a requirement for a growing segment of society - "The Entrepreneur". "Shows like 'The Apprentice' have been extraordinarily successful, because more and more people are starting their own companies and have the desire to do more and learn more about business. My company serves that demographic -- innovative, agile, thinking people who have the ambition and the drive to pursue incredible goals!"
Indeed, Natur confesses a huge admiration for his clients because although they all run vastly different businesses, (event planners, restaurants, automotive supplies, motorcycle sales and service, accounting services) each of them has a similar inherent quality of courage and determination to succeed in the post Y2K era -- just like him!
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Meanwhile, Sam Natur started Natour Global in 2001, a Web Design and Development firm which has been profitable since its first month and has continued to grow dramatically each year. What is the formula for this success? "Innovative Agile Thinking" he states. "I saw a lot people getting phased out of their jobs due to the volatility of the period however within that turmoil I saw that there was also an opportunity to truly help a growing segment of creative, intelligent people with ideas for starting their own companies. Next thing I knew I was barely able to keep up with all the work!"
Fast forward to three years later and he has reached a point where the business is a controlled, sophisticatd Web Development enterprise. "The beauty of this business is that it is something you can work at 24/7 and never get tired of -- I truly enjoy it. When I am not working on client sites, I work on my own site or friends' sites -- or just try altogether new development methods. But I am probably the most biased person to ask about Web Design -- I guess its like asking a priest if he ever needs any time off from religion! My colleagues think I'm too dedicated -- I'm very lucky in that respect!"
In an age when competition on the internet has reached unprecedented levels, Natour Global is filling a requirement for a growing segment of society - "The Entrepreneur". "Shows like 'The Apprentice' have been extraordinarily successful, because more and more people are starting their own companies and have the desire to do more and learn more about business. My company serves that demographic -- innovative, agile, thinking people who have the ambition and the drive to pursue incredible goals!"
Indeed, Natur confesses a huge admiration for his clients because although they all run vastly different businesses, (event planners, restaurants, automotive supplies, motorcycle sales and service, accounting services) each of them has a similar inherent quality of courage and determination to succeed in the post Y2K era -- just like him!
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Natour Global
Sam Natur
Sam Natur