.com Solutions Inc. Releases FmPro Migrator 5.97 with Automated FoxPro to Servoy Conversion Feature

The Visual FoxPro Conversion Service built into in FmPro Migrator Developer Edition enables Visual FoxPro developers to automate the conversion of Windows-only FoxPro solutions into platform independent, scalable, Servoy SaaS solutions.

Fremont, CA, January 07, 2011 --(PR.com)-- The Visual FoxPro Conversion Service built into in FmPro Migrator Developer Edition enables Visual FoxPro developers to automate the conversion of Windows-only FoxPro solutions into platform independent, scalable, Servoy SaaS solutions.

This feature quickly and efficiently converts FoxPro relationships, forms, reports/labels, PRG code, and static ComboBox/ListBox value lists into Servoy Eclipse IDE project files. Using the main project/sub-project functionality of the Servoy Eclipse IDE, provides FoxPro developers with the opportunity to migrate their application based upon operational feature-set into new Servoy projects.

The Visual FoxPro conversion service features include:
• VFPExport Static MetaData Processing - The Visual FoxPro Conversion Service implements a 2-stage metadata export process. Step 1 of the Visual FoxPro metadata export process involves running the included VFPExport.exe utility to extract info using the project .PJX file. This part of the process creates a new VFPExport.DBF export database file, containing info about all of the objects within the Visual FoxPro source project.

• VFPExport Runtime MetaData Processing - Most Visual FoxPro projects contain VCX forms and other objects having properties which are only set at runtime. Therefore an additional ExportHook export process has been developed to export project metadata while the Visual FoxPro application is running. The VFPExport.exe utility is added to the startup code of the Visual FoxPro application. The Visual FoxPro developer compiles and runs their Visual FoxPro application as a user would run the application to open and close the forms within the application. One second after each form is instantiated, the ExportHook timer event fires and captures metadata for all of the objects on the current form. Once the Visual FoxPro application has been closed, the new data is merged with the existing metadata within the VFPExport.DBF file. By capturing this information during runtime, all inherited object properties will have been set by the application code, thus insuring that an accurate representation of the objects has been exported.

• Form, Report and Label to Servoy Form Conversion - Forms, reports and labels in Visual FoxPro projects are converted into Servoy Eclipse forms. Supported object types which are automatically converted include: TextBox, EditBox, OLEBoundControl, ComboBox, Spinner, ListBox, Label, Image (.gif, .jpg, .bmp), Line, Shape, CommandButton (regular & image), OptionGroup, CheckBox, CommandGroup, Grid and PageFrame.

• Grid to Portal Conversion - Visual FoxPro Grid objects, are converted into Servoy portals referencing the original grid relationship to retrieve related record data.

• PageFrame to Servoy Tab Panel Conversion - Visual FoxPro PageFrame objects are converted into Servoy Tab Panels, including embedded objects located on each Page of the PageFrame. Embedded objects can also include PageFrames embedded up to two levels deep.

• ComboBox/ListBox/Spinners & Value List Conversion - Static lists of values associated with ComboBox, ListBox and Spinner objects are converted into Servoy fields having a value list containing the static values. Spinner object RangeLow/RangeHigh/Increment properties are analyzed and converted into a static value list having the specified range of values.

• Shape Object Conversion - The curvature property of Visual FoxPro shape objects is analyzed in order to determine whether the object should be created as a square rectangle (0 - 50), rounded rectangle (17 - 49) or oval (50+). Then the appropriate object is created on the Servoy form, having the same background color, border and position.

• Relationship Conversion - Each Visual FoxPro relationship is exported from a .DBC file is converted into two Servoy relationships, providing bi-directional functionality for each relationship.

• Field Data Binding - Data bound fields in Visual FoxPro projects are configured within the new Servoy form with the same data binding as the original field.

• UTF8 Caption and Tooltip Text Conversion - Caption and Tooltip text for each Visual FoxPro object are converted into UTF8 format for compatibility with localization features of Servoy.

• Script Conversion - Visual FoxPro scripts are extracted from .PRG files and object properties throughout the entire project. Form/Report/Label object scripts and PRG scripts are converted a single text file. Each line of the original script is commented out in order to provide a template for writing new JavaScript code within the Servoy application.

• Fixed-Price Service - Having the automated Visual FoxPro conversion service implemented at a fixed price, keeps your Visual FoxPro migration project affordable.

FmPro Migrator Developer Edition processes Visual FoxPro migration projects in demo mode without a license key. In Demo mode, FmPro Migrator Developer Edition will process 5 layouts and 5 scripts. The Visual FoxPro Conversion Service is available for a fixed price per Form/Report and is price competitive with offshore development services.

FmPro Migrator Developer Edition is priced at ($200) per developer and includes a copy of FmPro Migrator Developer Edition for both MacOS X (Universal Binary) and Windows platforms.

.com Solutions Inc. develops multi-platform graphical applications supporting FileMaker Pro, SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, Access, SQL Server, Sybase, DB2, OpenBase, PostgreSQL, FrontBase, Valentina, Visual FoxPro, LiveCode and Servoy developers. FmPro Script Diff, compares and edits FileMaker Pro scripts. FmPro Migrator ( www.fmpromigrator.com ) converts FileMaker Pro databases to and from FileMaker Pro, SQLite Diff compares SQLite database schema and data.

.com Solutions Inc.
David Simpson