Aspiring Journalist to Showcase Her Work

Young journalist, Stephanie Zitkus, is proud to announce her new site to help showcase her work. Zitkus will be looking for rare interview opportunities, unique article topics and photographs to help excel her career. This website will hopefully help her stand out from the crowd in the journalism industry. Recently, she got the exclusive opportunity to sit down with Edmonton businessman, Jesse Willms.

Edmonton, Canada, January 11, 2011 --( A Canadian journalism student is taking a unique approach into breaking into the industry: She's starting to work independently and posting her stories on her own website in order to attract the attention of editors and showcase her work.

Click here to access Stephanie Zitkus’ site.

She said that many of her peers are hoping to start building their portfolios by working for small websites or publications when they finish school, but she decided that by creating her own assignments, executing them and publishing them she can prove to larger newspapers and websites that she has what it takes to break into the cutthroat journalism industry.

“These days, if you want to get a decent job in journalism you need to find a way to stand out from the crowd,” she said.

She's also just scored her first exclusive – by becoming the first journalist to be granted an interview with noted Edmonton businessman Jesse Willms. "He's also been asked for interviews by established reporters many times, but has turned them all down until now," Zitkus said.

“I knew she would be tough, but fair. I also thought it was time to finally tell my side of the story. What was nice is she made my first interview experience easy and comfortable,” Willms said.

Stephanie said that she was really excited to have the chance to be the first person to interview Willms.

“For my site to really stand out, I need to break stories and get exclusive interviews,” Stephanie said. “This is a very important opportunity for myself and my career.”

Willms said he would give her unlimited access and the ability to ask any questions she wants during the course of the interview. What an exclusive.

Private Journalism
Stephanie Zitkus