Turns Solitary Into Solidarity with a Virtual Community for Nannies

Nannies no longer have to live a solitary existence with only children to talk to with the launch of the created by This free Internet service provides a much needed communication vehicle that allows nannies to ask questions, exchange tips and feel connected to a community. is a premier online database service that matches families with nannies.

New York, NY, January 20, 2011 --( Communicating with nannies and the families that need in home childcare has been a one-to-one conversation for Candi Wingate, founder of and for the past 15 years. now changes that conversation to a one-to-many with a new online community forum. Bringing a traditionally isolated employee into a Virtual Community Center is the latest brainchild of Candi Wingate, who’s new book, The Nanny factor: A Parent’s Guide to finding the Right Nanny for Your family came out on October 1, 2010., is a free service to Nannies who want to connect with each other, no matter where they live and work. The password protected forum allows individuals to access a like-minded community in their free time.

“While being a nanny is a wonderful and fulfilling career, it can also be a very lonely one for people in the profession,” states Candi Wingate, an internationally renowned Nanny expert and author. “A Nanny often works alone caring for children and their only adult contact is with their employer. Not a great situation when questions arise, which they always do in this business,” concludes Candi, who knows both sides of the Nanny equation, as a former Nanny herself and a working mother who hires her own Nannies. and Candi Wingate have been giving advice to nannies, families and the media for over a decade. Candi is the President and founder of a group of award winning and nationally recognized online databases that provide exceptional services:, and has been named as one of the INC500, by INC magazine, is the recipient of the Mom’s Choice Award and is an ongoing media resource for television, radio and online organizations including ABC’s Good Morning America,, The Dr. Phil Show and ABC’s Supernanny, to name a few and was also the recipient of the 2010 Nebraska Entrepreneur of the Year Award.

Media Advisory

For interviews and a review copy of The Nanny Factor: A Parent’s Guide to Finding the Right Nanny for Your Family, please contact Candi by email through or at 402-379-4121.

Candi Wingate