Green Energy Promotions Offers Virtual File Cabinet Solution to Help Financial Institutions Drive Adoption of Electronic Statements
Green Energy Promotions, a San Diego California Environmental Promotional Marketing Firm, offers a user-friendly virtual filing cabinet as consumer incentive tool for Financial Institutions to drive customer adoption of electronic statements.
San Diego, CA, February 04, 2011 --( In partnership with Org-Matters & SmartSecure Org, a Canadian software developer, Green Energy Promotions is offering The Virtual Filing Organizer. “One of the main barriers to turning off a statement, for consumers, is the attachment to physical archiving of documents,” says Director, Leslie Bridges. “The virtual filing cabinet is set up with over 200 files that easily link to the windows document system and give consumers their own space for keeping all manner of important documents, information and contacts.”
This gives Financial Institutions a way to support consumers who, ideally, would like to stop wasting paper, but aren’t inclined to take the time to set up a filing system for paperless billing. The company believes it is a shift that requires behavioral changes on the part of the consumer. “Our perspective is that consumers need a one-stop space for their virtual documents. Even if a company archives statements, the consumer still has to keep track of sea of log-in/password combinations to access their important information,” Ms. Bridges said. The virtual file cabinet application offers one location and a user-friendly system pre-built for easy adoption. Green Energy Promotions helps communicate and promote the solution.
The cost for a one year license is $100,000 for up to 20,000 downloads. The return on investment is significant if you are spending $20+ to produce statements. This solution has been used successfully in the Canadian market with top banks.
Green Energy Promotions is an Environmental Promotional Marketing Firm devoted to helping Corporations Communicate, Engage, Educate and Brand around Sustainability Initiatives.
Leslie Bridges, Director –
CPUC Certified, Woman-Owned
This gives Financial Institutions a way to support consumers who, ideally, would like to stop wasting paper, but aren’t inclined to take the time to set up a filing system for paperless billing. The company believes it is a shift that requires behavioral changes on the part of the consumer. “Our perspective is that consumers need a one-stop space for their virtual documents. Even if a company archives statements, the consumer still has to keep track of sea of log-in/password combinations to access their important information,” Ms. Bridges said. The virtual file cabinet application offers one location and a user-friendly system pre-built for easy adoption. Green Energy Promotions helps communicate and promote the solution.
The cost for a one year license is $100,000 for up to 20,000 downloads. The return on investment is significant if you are spending $20+ to produce statements. This solution has been used successfully in the Canadian market with top banks.
Green Energy Promotions is an Environmental Promotional Marketing Firm devoted to helping Corporations Communicate, Engage, Educate and Brand around Sustainability Initiatives.
Leslie Bridges, Director –
CPUC Certified, Woman-Owned
Green Energy Promotions
Leslie Bridges
Leslie Bridges