Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): a Survivor Speaks Out Symposium Unites Survivors and Clinicians in Raising Awareness
PTSD Coach and founder of, Michele Rosenthal, will give the keynote address at Pasco-Hernando Community College (PHCC) Symposium on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on Friday, February 25, 2011, at 9:15am in Brownsville, FL.
Boca Raton, FL, February 17, 2011 --( Experts estimate that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) affects up to 40% of our returning military and 15% of the civilian population. While this epidemic reaches across all cultural and social barriers, it is often left un- or misdiagnosed. As part of a campaign to raise awareness and provide education, PTSD Coach and founder of, Michele Rosenthal, will give the keynote address at Pasco-Hernando Community College (PHCC) Symposium on Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on Friday, February 25, 2011, at 9:15am in Brownsville, FL.
Rosenthal, herself a PTSD survivor, will speak about Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Journey Back to Health. “As someone who struggled with PTSD for over 25 years – and then finally reached freedom – I’m very passionate about PTSD education and promoting a positive, proactive survivor mindset,” says Rosenthal whose PTSD went undiagnosed for over twenty years. “The key to overcoming PTSD is understanding it, and then finding the right kind of help.”
The symposium is sponsored by the North Campus Psychology and Psi Beta Clubs, in conjunction with BayCare Behavioral Health and NAMI Hernando. Organized by Kathleen Hughes De Sousa, Ph.D., Instructor of Psychology at Pasco-Hernando Community College, the PHCC Symposium will feature more than 15 guest speakers who will discuss the causes, signs and symptoms of PTSD, as well as treatment and overcoming this devastating condition. Topics include ‘PTSD and Domestic Violence’, ‘Trauma Informed Care’, ‘Veterans Care,’ ‘PTSD and End of Life Issues,’ ‘Trauma Recovery Program,’ ‘Power Interventions for Traumatic Stress Treatment,’ and ‘Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma and Abuse.’
Students, medical professionals, mental health providers, survivors and loved ones, law enforcement officers and members of the community are all invited to participate in this important dialogue. For more information, see the agenda ( or the PHCC site (
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder associated with serious traumatic events. It is characterized by symptoms that fall into three categories (avoidance, arousal, re-experiencing) and include insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks, emotional numbing, hyperarousal and hypervigilance.
Michele Rosenthal is a trauma survivor who struggled with undiagnosed PTSD for 24 years. And then she was diagnosed and went on a healing rampage. Today she is 100% PTSD-free. A certified PTSD Coach and passionate PTSD advocate, she founded to provide information about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder symptoms, treatment and support. In addition to PTSD facts, the site contains several complimentary support resources including downloads, teleseminars, and a healing workshop, plus monthly radio programs. In February 2011 Michele launched the first Heal My PTSD Virtual Support Groups to provide support and coaching for survivors around the globe.
For more information: Contact:, 561.531.1405.
Contact: Michele Rosenthal
Rosenthal, herself a PTSD survivor, will speak about Trauma, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Journey Back to Health. “As someone who struggled with PTSD for over 25 years – and then finally reached freedom – I’m very passionate about PTSD education and promoting a positive, proactive survivor mindset,” says Rosenthal whose PTSD went undiagnosed for over twenty years. “The key to overcoming PTSD is understanding it, and then finding the right kind of help.”
The symposium is sponsored by the North Campus Psychology and Psi Beta Clubs, in conjunction with BayCare Behavioral Health and NAMI Hernando. Organized by Kathleen Hughes De Sousa, Ph.D., Instructor of Psychology at Pasco-Hernando Community College, the PHCC Symposium will feature more than 15 guest speakers who will discuss the causes, signs and symptoms of PTSD, as well as treatment and overcoming this devastating condition. Topics include ‘PTSD and Domestic Violence’, ‘Trauma Informed Care’, ‘Veterans Care,’ ‘PTSD and End of Life Issues,’ ‘Trauma Recovery Program,’ ‘Power Interventions for Traumatic Stress Treatment,’ and ‘Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma and Abuse.’
Students, medical professionals, mental health providers, survivors and loved ones, law enforcement officers and members of the community are all invited to participate in this important dialogue. For more information, see the agenda ( or the PHCC site (
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is an anxiety disorder associated with serious traumatic events. It is characterized by symptoms that fall into three categories (avoidance, arousal, re-experiencing) and include insomnia, nightmares, flashbacks, emotional numbing, hyperarousal and hypervigilance.
Michele Rosenthal is a trauma survivor who struggled with undiagnosed PTSD for 24 years. And then she was diagnosed and went on a healing rampage. Today she is 100% PTSD-free. A certified PTSD Coach and passionate PTSD advocate, she founded to provide information about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder symptoms, treatment and support. In addition to PTSD facts, the site contains several complimentary support resources including downloads, teleseminars, and a healing workshop, plus monthly radio programs. In February 2011 Michele launched the first Heal My PTSD Virtual Support Groups to provide support and coaching for survivors around the globe.
For more information: Contact:, 561.531.1405.
Contact: Michele Rosenthal
Heal My PTSD
Michele Rosenthal
561 799 2419
Michele Rosenthal
561 799 2419
