CG Artists Need a Community

A group of CG artists launched a Computer Graphics Community site (

Bangalore, India, February 14, 2007 --( With the world becoming a global village, more and more people using the internet communities have had to change. Newsgroups and internet specialist groups allow those with specialized interests or skills to get together to discuss issues close to their hearts. Google, Mozilla and YouTube have shown the world how the internet can bring people together without costing an arm and a leg.

With resources being scarce and money in short supply more and more people are looking for free ways to share information and educate themselves.

"The internet should be free and creativity needs to be recognized and encouraged,” says Santhosh Koodali - one of the founders of He continues, "When we as a team were learning our graphics skills we were desperate to have a space to share ideas with colleagues - so we made one!” Together with four friends was born - a great new free resource for those in the graphics, gaming, and the multimedia field. This website allows people to access free tutorials on a variety of subjects. There is a massive forum section - with boards including 2D, 3D, Web Design, Animation, Gaming, e.t.c. Mr. Koodali continued, "It's not just our work we intend to display. Our idea is to allow anyone to have the chance to show off their creative skills to an international market. People can send us examples of their work which we will show prominently on our site along with ways for businesses to contact them if they wish to hire their services."

With all of this information streamlined and available under one roof, there must be costs involved to visitors of the site. "Not at all," reassures Mr. Albin Joseph - CEO of "We intend to keep free for all users and encourage people to tell us what tutorials they'd like us to provide in the future. The forums will also be regularly monitored to make sure the site stays relevant and innovative. We intend to grow and develop to keep pace with the world’s expanding Computer Graphics market."

The site is exquisitely designed and showcases the creative talent of its creators. With sharp flash animation and its easy-to-navigate features should prove popular with creative people from all walks of life. For further information go to where you can also contact the creators directly.

Albin Joseph