Non-Resident Alien Workers Secure Tax Refunds via New Site 1040NR Tax Returns

A new website launches a new online solution which aims to help non-resident alien workers in the US obtain the tax refunds to which they are entitled, even if they have already left the country.

Miami, FL, February 17, 2011 --( Foreigners working under the J-1 visa program typically have taxes withheld by the IRS, but do not earn enough to owe any taxes at the end of the year. However many of these workers are entitled to receive anywhere from $200 up to $500 dollars per year in tax refunds yet they often fail to claim their refunds, either because they do not understand sufficiently US tax law and therefore are overwhelmed by its complexity and never bother to pursue the matter. Another understandable reason is because they have already returned to their home countries, making collection of the refund even more difficult.

The new website and for the Spanish audience, launched by a firm of US-certified CPAs, eliminates the complexity sometimes associated with the US tax system by simplifying the filing process and providing the refund to the client through a visa card or foreign bank deposit. Many tax-preparation firms offer checks for the refund, which can often times be difficult to cash in a foreign country.

For a flat rate of $100, 1040NR Tax Returns will take care of the preparation and submission process of the return and provide an advance of the refund to the client in a way that is easy to spend in either the US or overseas.

“Because we have offices and executives in a foreign country, we understand our clientele,” said Edward Parsons, CPA MSA, who founded 1040NR Tax Returns with William Smith CPA. Both are affiliated with Tax Planner CPA, a Boston-based firm specializing in tax services for US citizens living abroad.

The 1040NR Tax Returns website provides, in Spanish for its target clientele, a straightforward explanation of how the US tax system works, with reference to IRS forms 1040, 1040NR, and 1040NR-EZ, those most commonly used by wage earners. Refunds for the majority of J-1 visa workers is between $600 and $800, the site points out, making the $100 that 1040NR Tax Returns charges for form completion, filing and refund payment a bargain.

“This is a service that has been needed for a long time,” said co-founder Edward Parsons. “Too many of these workers have not received all that they are due, or have received no refund at all, because they lack understanding of the tax system or they have left the country. We hope to change that.”

1040 Tax Returns
Juan Reyes