Rising Violent Crime Increases Self Defense Product Sales

Harrisburg, PA, February 15, 2007 --(PR.com)-- A recent consumer trend for purchasing the latest self defense products seems to be grounded in national circumstance: According to a preliminary FBI report on crime, the violent crime rate shows no indications of slowing down for 2007. In the FBI’s latest figures — for the first half of 2006 — law enforcement agencies throughout the U.S. reported an increase of 3.7 percent for the number of violent crimes compared to FBI statistics for the same period of the previous year. The statistical increase in violent crime also coincides with other alarming annual reports: The National Violence Against Women Survey (NVAWS), claims that more than 300,000 women are raped annually and, perhaps as expected, men are responsible for 100% of these rapes — as well as 92% of all physical assaults and 97% of stalking acts.

However, the statistics are likely even worse than what they appear: According to recent data posted at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only about 1 in 5 adult women (19%) actually report their rapes to the police, meaning the real number of rape victims last year in the U.S. could add up to more than 1.2 million women. 

The indications are that Americans are beginning to personally deal with the rising crime rate — with millions of women protecting themselves from becoming part of the negative annual statistics by purchasing self defense products. Consequently, companies offering self defense products have been experiencing enormous increases in their turnovers. Andrew Youtz, whose Harrisburg Safe & Vault company recently began expanding its services to include self defense products, said e-business is booming for their self defense products. He used the increasing popularity of Lipstick Pepper Spray to illustrate the growing trend. “It’s a great item to defend against attackers and rapists, and the effects cause no permanent damage,” said Youtz, adding that Pepper spray is “the cheapest, most effective non-lethal self defense device available.” He also noted that pepper spray products are now legal in all 50 states — although a few states have legislated some restrictions.

Until the FBI’s annual report demonstrates a stable decrease in the violent crime rate, the self defense product market will likely continue to do well, and clever new products — such as cell phone stun guns and stunning rings, or pepper spray disguised as lipstick, fountain pens or key rings — will quite likely continue growing in sales on the market— right alongside the rising rates in violent crime.

Harrisburg Safe & Vault (HSV) started in June of 2006 with HarrisburgSafeAndVault.com, and began providing service to their local area in Pennsylvania. The company employs certified Journeymen Safecrackers and Certified Registered Locksmiths. HSV is a member of SAVTA (Safe and Vault Technicians Association) as well as the NSO (National Safeman’s Organization), and is now one of the leading safe and vault service companies in the central Pennsylvania area. HSV is a platinum eBay powerseller, meaning the company has sales in excess of $25,000 per month on eBay, with a positive feedback score of 98% or higher.

HSV has an online presence that includes the following websites, through which it sells security products throughout the United States:

www.HarrisburgSafeAndVault.com - Safe & Vault sales
www.SelfDefensePlace.com - Self Defense and Security Products
www.SecurityCamPlace.com - Surveillance Cameras and equipment

Harrisburg Safe & Vault
Andrew Youtz