The Legendiers and the Battle of Darkness Fantasy Novel Released on Amazon Kindle

The Legendiers and the Battle of Darkness, a fantasy novel by Jeremy Johnson, released on Amazon Kindle. This is one of the most original fantasy novels that has come along in a long time. There are completely original characters, creatures and monsters. This novel has been complimented by readers as the "Next Harry Potter."

Fort Worth, TX, February 26, 2011 --( The Legendiers and the Battle of Darkness - Now Available on Amazon Kindle.

Omri Vale's parents recently died. Now an orphan, he is mystically transported to the magic land of Shagalon where he is received as the coming of a legend. He is the hero of prophecy who uses no magic in a land of magic users. His inability to work magic also makes him special.

He is immune to all magic used against him... A powerful ability.

A thousand years before, part of Shagalon was cast into darkness. Now, as the battle anniversary approaches, the forces of darkness unite again to battle for the rest of the land. Together with the boy who would be king, a girl who is the embodiment of light and a winged boy who can fly, they embark on a journey in a race against time. They must unite the land to battle the forces of darkness while journeying to seven mountains to retrieve the mystical orbs of awareness, creation, wisdom, knowledge, hope, time and enlightenment.

Each must overcome desires and fears or cause the land to be lost forever. They encounter creatures, challenges and dangers never seen before. Each holds the future of all in the palm of their hand. All the while chased and stalked by dark creatures along the way.

The Legendiers and the Battle of Darkness is the first in a series cast in a land with items, creatures and locations never seen before in any fantasy novel. Originality and intrigue make for an adventure that will set the benchmark raising the bar for all fantasy novels to come.

The novel is available electronically at this link:

Jeremy Johnson LLC
Jeremy Johnson
817 615 1549