Skin Care & Beauty Basics – Part 4: Skincare and Blush

Skincare News continues on with its latest series with skin care and blush.

Sacramento, CA, February 16, 2007 --( Skin care is something that you don’t have to blush about.’s latest article, “Skin Care & Beauty Basics – Part 4: Get Ready to Blush” enlightens readers how to get this part of makeup application just right.

Putting blush on is so intimidating to women that even statistics prove it:

While makeup in general has remained popular among women for decades, blush tends to be the odd one out. According to a 2005 InStyle Magazine study, only 47% of women in America wear blush, compared to 66% of women who wore it back in 1948!

Not all blush is the same and shouldn’t be treated as such:

The best way to pick the right color blush is to find a color that matches your cheeks when you're flushed after doing something physical, such as exercise or when you've been exposed to cold weather, according to Or you can match your blush color to your lip color; rose, olive and peach look great on fair skin and apricot and shades of red can really bring out glamour in darker skin tones.

It helps to know exactly where to apply blush as well:

Too many women apply blush in the wrong places, creating a makeup mess. Blush is supposed to be applied to the apples of your cheeks... period! To find the apple of your cheeks--trust us, everyone has apples - simply look in the mirror and smile or suck in your cheeks. The rounded mass that protrudes as a result, are the apples of your cheeks.

According to skin care expert, Sharon Ellington, her series may be one of the longest. “There is just so much to cover. Every time I think that my series is done, I find another aspect of makeup application that I just have to write about. You can never have too much makeup!”                                                                            covers all skincare and beauty topics from head to toe. Check out these latest articles:

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About -- Your Source for Intelligent Skin Care is the online source for consumers seeking intelligent beauty and skin care news, advice, tips and articles. Founded in 2005, features articles, news items and frequently asked questions on skincare and beauty related issues. is located in Sacramento, California but receives visitors from all around the world. For more information, visit

Bobby Lyons