Rat Rod Rockers! (Go-Kustom Films Second Feature Film) Seattle Premiere and DVD Release Party at the King Cat Theater, March 26th, 2011
A rockin’ 800 seat event with an afternoon cruise-in, live music by Angie & The Car Wrecks and The Hard Money Saints, a meet and greet with the films director, cast and crew and actual hot rods and gassers from the movie, and an after hours Pin-Up & Burlesque Show Case put on by The Pin-Up Angels. Cruise-In starts at 2:00 PM. Doors open at 6:00PM. Bands start at 7:00 PM. Film screens at 9:30PM. Pin-Up Show Case at 11:00 PM.

Seattle, WA, March 02, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Seattle Premiere:
Hot Rod Girls Save The World Writer & Director, D.A. Sebasstian and Go-Kustom Films have scheduled the Seattle premiere of their newest Lo-Fi Hot Rod Epic - Rat Rod Rockers! for March 26th, 2011 at the King Cat Theater in Seattle, Washington http://www.kingcattheater.com Rat Rod Rockers! is not a prequel or sequel to the campy Hot Rod Girls Save The World, but does take place in the same fictitious town called Anywhere, Washington.
The story begins when an area moonshiner named Old Man Kanker, dies mysteriously in a still explosion. A dysfunctional Seattlite family, the Milldues, buy the home not knowing that millions of dollars in moonshine money are buried somewhere on the premises. Ivan Molotov (Kerry Murphy), the local Russian Mob Boss, sends a gang of his thugs to retrieve the money. When the gang runs into serious resistance from the new home owners - all hell breaks loose. The violence escalates as the family refuses to budge or let the Rat Rod Gang on their property. The film features car chases, drag racing, kidnappings and shoot outs, but all with a darkly humorous tone.
Re-birthing The Hot Rod Film Genre:
Said Sebasstian about Rat Rod Rockers! "I learned so much from my five years of working on Hot Rod Girls Save The World. I wanted to apply that to Rat Rod Rockers! and make a leaner and meaner film in one fourth the time. This one is much more streamlined with less dialog and no space aliens or zombies. This isn't to say Rat Rod Rockers! will not have a sense of humor. I always felt that Hot Rods are in fact a kind of exaggerated automobile, almost cartoonish. But not in a Baby Huey kinda way. More like a Hell Boy, Dark Knight or Sin City kinda way. I always associate Hot Rods with the TV Show The Munsters that's where I first saw them when I was a kid. Let other Directors make The California Kid Part II - I like my Hot Rod films campy." Sebasstian’s last film Hot Rod Girls Save The World was featured and reviewed extensively in national Hot Rod and Kustom Kulture Magazines.
Principle filming for Rat Rod Rockers! was completed in December 2009. The film was shot on Digital Video in a 24P mode, so it looks very similar to 16mm or early 35mm film stock. Editing took Sebasstian close to a full year and was done on two Mac G4s running Final Cut Pro software. Many of the cast members are friends of Sebasstian or were found through Craigslist or the Northwest Film Forum websites. The cars, vintage Hot Rods and Gassers, were driven and provided by The Rat Bastards Car Club, an area club with over 300 members. Sebasstian did the soundtrack himself (like he did for Hot Rod Girls Save The World) with guest vocalists Miss Paula Flava and Nikki Alonso. Sebasstian started as a musician and is best known for fronting the iconic industrial band Kill Switch... Klick who peaked in popularity during the mid-nineties with seven albums released on three labels, two national tours and multiple TV appearances.
Why Not Premiere Rat Rod Rockers! at SIFF?
Said Sebasstian, “I have nothing against festivals or SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) in particular, but I felt that given we had over 400 attendees at our Everett Premiere last November, we would be better off renting a hall and doing a four wall event. Like Punk Rock, the current festival establishment just doesn’t get Kustom Kulture or the Hot Rod Film Genre at all. Our last film Hot Rod Girls Save The World sold thousands of discs and had tens of thousands of downloads, but couldn’t get into SIFF or many other festivals when it came out. I think the 'Film Festival Establishment' has, in many cases, become as boring and complacent as the 'Hollywood Establishment.' Still they serve a purpose... just not mine. I mean can you do a cruise-in or car show at SIFF? Rat Rod Rockers! is the real deal, my friends actually build and own these cars. This is hardcore D.I.Y. film making from the ground up.”
This event is the official DVD Release Party for Rat Rod Rockers! with discs and other movie merchandise available for sale at the show. Attendees can also get their DVD signed by director and various cast members. Several national car and entertainment magazines have confirmed full coverage of the event.
Live music for the Seattle Premiere will be provided by psychobilly band, The Hard Money Saints along with Angie & The Car Wrecks, a country, rockabilly, surf band.
Rat Rod Rockers! Rating Information - Though unrated, this film contains strong language, violence, hot rods and awesome tattoos. Under 17 years of age should be accompanied by parent.
Additional information, film clips and pre-sale tickets ($10 in advance, $15 at the door) are at the Rat Rod Rockers! website: http://www.ratrodrockers.com.
Go-Kustom Films website: http://www.go-kustom.com
Hot Rod Girls Save The World Writer & Director, D.A. Sebasstian and Go-Kustom Films have scheduled the Seattle premiere of their newest Lo-Fi Hot Rod Epic - Rat Rod Rockers! for March 26th, 2011 at the King Cat Theater in Seattle, Washington http://www.kingcattheater.com Rat Rod Rockers! is not a prequel or sequel to the campy Hot Rod Girls Save The World, but does take place in the same fictitious town called Anywhere, Washington.
The story begins when an area moonshiner named Old Man Kanker, dies mysteriously in a still explosion. A dysfunctional Seattlite family, the Milldues, buy the home not knowing that millions of dollars in moonshine money are buried somewhere on the premises. Ivan Molotov (Kerry Murphy), the local Russian Mob Boss, sends a gang of his thugs to retrieve the money. When the gang runs into serious resistance from the new home owners - all hell breaks loose. The violence escalates as the family refuses to budge or let the Rat Rod Gang on their property. The film features car chases, drag racing, kidnappings and shoot outs, but all with a darkly humorous tone.
Re-birthing The Hot Rod Film Genre:
Said Sebasstian about Rat Rod Rockers! "I learned so much from my five years of working on Hot Rod Girls Save The World. I wanted to apply that to Rat Rod Rockers! and make a leaner and meaner film in one fourth the time. This one is much more streamlined with less dialog and no space aliens or zombies. This isn't to say Rat Rod Rockers! will not have a sense of humor. I always felt that Hot Rods are in fact a kind of exaggerated automobile, almost cartoonish. But not in a Baby Huey kinda way. More like a Hell Boy, Dark Knight or Sin City kinda way. I always associate Hot Rods with the TV Show The Munsters that's where I first saw them when I was a kid. Let other Directors make The California Kid Part II - I like my Hot Rod films campy." Sebasstian’s last film Hot Rod Girls Save The World was featured and reviewed extensively in national Hot Rod and Kustom Kulture Magazines.
Principle filming for Rat Rod Rockers! was completed in December 2009. The film was shot on Digital Video in a 24P mode, so it looks very similar to 16mm or early 35mm film stock. Editing took Sebasstian close to a full year and was done on two Mac G4s running Final Cut Pro software. Many of the cast members are friends of Sebasstian or were found through Craigslist or the Northwest Film Forum websites. The cars, vintage Hot Rods and Gassers, were driven and provided by The Rat Bastards Car Club, an area club with over 300 members. Sebasstian did the soundtrack himself (like he did for Hot Rod Girls Save The World) with guest vocalists Miss Paula Flava and Nikki Alonso. Sebasstian started as a musician and is best known for fronting the iconic industrial band Kill Switch... Klick who peaked in popularity during the mid-nineties with seven albums released on three labels, two national tours and multiple TV appearances.
Why Not Premiere Rat Rod Rockers! at SIFF?
Said Sebasstian, “I have nothing against festivals or SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival) in particular, but I felt that given we had over 400 attendees at our Everett Premiere last November, we would be better off renting a hall and doing a four wall event. Like Punk Rock, the current festival establishment just doesn’t get Kustom Kulture or the Hot Rod Film Genre at all. Our last film Hot Rod Girls Save The World sold thousands of discs and had tens of thousands of downloads, but couldn’t get into SIFF or many other festivals when it came out. I think the 'Film Festival Establishment' has, in many cases, become as boring and complacent as the 'Hollywood Establishment.' Still they serve a purpose... just not mine. I mean can you do a cruise-in or car show at SIFF? Rat Rod Rockers! is the real deal, my friends actually build and own these cars. This is hardcore D.I.Y. film making from the ground up.”
This event is the official DVD Release Party for Rat Rod Rockers! with discs and other movie merchandise available for sale at the show. Attendees can also get their DVD signed by director and various cast members. Several national car and entertainment magazines have confirmed full coverage of the event.
Live music for the Seattle Premiere will be provided by psychobilly band, The Hard Money Saints along with Angie & The Car Wrecks, a country, rockabilly, surf band.
Rat Rod Rockers! Rating Information - Though unrated, this film contains strong language, violence, hot rods and awesome tattoos. Under 17 years of age should be accompanied by parent.
Additional information, film clips and pre-sale tickets ($10 in advance, $15 at the door) are at the Rat Rod Rockers! website: http://www.ratrodrockers.com.
Go-Kustom Films website: http://www.go-kustom.com
Go-Kustom Films
D.A. Sebasstian
(206) 856-8284
D.A. Sebasstian
(206) 856-8284
