Tax Lien Time is Here. How Safe is Your Business from the IRS? Tax Lien Arbitrator Ellis Penn Accepts New Clients to Provide Greater Financial Security.

For most, the IRS is a mystery, a giant organization of unknown figures that impose strict rules and regulations governing our monies, assets and financial freedoms. If an individual or company has a history of tax debt, having a clearer understanding of who the IRS is, could be the first step in resolving their tax debts issues. Businesses who owe over $50,000 dollars to the IRS are a marked target and stand little chance of resolving debt issues on their own.

Philadelphia, PA, March 06, 2011 --( As the April 15th tax deadline rapidly approaches, the need to secure appropriate tax representation is increasingly important and time sensitive. Proper representation is a key tool to take action against the IRS and combat their demands.

Businesses who owe over $50,000 dollars to the IRS are a marked target and stand little chance of resolving debt issues on their own, especially without knowledge of IRS policies and procedures.

A proper representative will educate clients and take the opportunity to ensure taxpayers are aware of their rights and realize their ability to maximize a resolution outcome.

Your business needs someone who focuses on each case individually and negotiates on behalf of the taxpayer. For most, the IRS is a mystery, a giant organization of unknown figures that impose strict rules and regulations governing our monies and financial freedoms or for some, financial restraints. If an individual or company has a history of tax problems or debt, having a clearer picture of who the IRS is, could be the first step in resolving the issue of money owed to the IRS. Dealing with the IRS can be very intimidating and stressful as both Revenue Officers and Special Agents can impose very real threats to both business and personal lives. Knowledge of their duties and operations can eliminate some fear of the unknown. Combining this knowledge with professional tax representation will enable you to have an even more powerful tool when trying to resolve problems with the IRS. “If you have major IRS issues, the likelihood of asset seizure is huge. When the IRS demands payment, they can take your assets. This means that if you owe the bureau a lot of unpaid taxes, you might not have a lot left after they're done taking your properties,” says Michael Ellis, CEO of Ellis PENN.

IRS Tax Lien Arbitrator, Ellis PENN, announced recently they are accepting new clients for their tax representation services, specifically targeting assistance to businesses who owe $50,000 or more in tax debt to the Internal Revenue Service. It is not uncommon for many tax representation firms to turn away prospective clients at this time of year, but Ellis PENN has the capacity to service new and existing clients equally, assigning trained professionals to each case and specializing in providing quality, customized representation to all.

Ellis PENN, a leader in the tax arbitration industry, provides business tax help to clients nationwide. Boasting a solid, proven track record, the capabilities and expertise of their tax professionals set the company apart from other service providers.

The first step to debt resolution is acquiring the right representation. Ellis PENN can be contacted directly for questions about how to qualify for representation. Additional details including further resources can be found at

Ellis Penn