A New Historical Slavery Novel by Award-Winning Author John Bushore

“…and Remember that I Am a Man” is a fictionalized historical biography of Moses Grandy, based on the 1843 Narrative of the life of Moses Grandy, and is set in the Great Dismal Swamp area of Virginia and North Carolina.. The title is from a Frederick Douglass quotation: “Sometimes I forget the color of my skin, and remember that I am a man.”

Chesapeake, VA, March 09, 2011 --(PR.com)-- In the year 1800, twelve-year-old Moses is put on the auction block for the first time, to be hired out by the year until adulthood. He experiences the cruelty and inhumanity of slavery, forging his character and his faith in God.

In adulthood, his wife and children are sold away and he is twice swindled out of money he earns to buy his freedom. His life and struggles, which uncannily parallel those of the Biblical Moses, are a shining example of what can be accomplished through faith and perseverance.

This novel uses an 1843 slave narrative to explore the cultural, religious, and economic pressures allowing slavery to endure in a new country that has promised justice for all.

John Bushore is the author of three other novels, Friends In Dark Places (Sam's Dot Publishing, 2006), The Prisoners Of Gener (Eternal Press, 2009) and Wolfwraith (Damnation Press, 2011). Dozens of his stories and poems have been published in magazines and anthologies. He is a 3-time winner of the independently judged James Award and two of his stories are included in a university course in Gothic and horror literature.

“…and Remember that I Am a Man” is available in print and e-book though all major online stores, including Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords and (in Europe) Xin Xii.

For more information see the author’s website at http://www.johnbushore.com

MonkeyJohn Books
John Bushore