TV4U.Com to Add Seven More Channels to Create 28 Channel Broadband Network

TV4U.Com, the free internet television broadband network, is adding seven channels to create a 28 channel broadband network.

Henderson, NV, February 19, 2007 --( TV4U.Com, the free internet television broadband network, is adding seven additional channels to create a 28 channel broadband network. 

New programming channels will include a TV4U food channel, a TV4U fashion channel, a TV4U financial news channel, a TV4U news channel, a TV4U sports news channel, a TV4U womens channel, and a TV4U world channel. The new channels will begin in May, 2007.

TV4U started with eight channels in 2006 - SportsTV4U.Com , ComedyTV4U.Com, VarietyTV4U.Com, DetectiveTV4U.Com, VintageTV4U.Com,, WesternTV4U.Com, and PrimetimeTV4U.Com.

In 2007, TV4U added HiTopsTV4U.Com (kids), TavernTV4U.Com, RockandRollTV4U.Com, KoolJazzTV4U.Com, DramaTV4U.Com, GameShowTV4U.Com, DriveInMovieTV4U.Com, HorrorSciFiTV4U.Com, ShopTV4U.Com, InfomercialTV4U.Com, ClassicCommercialTV4U.Com, TravelTV4U.Com, and HistoryTV4U.Com.

"We think these seven new broadband channels will complement the 21 channels we are already operating in," said TV4U,Inc. CEO and President Charry Kennedy. "We hope to be able to deliver a single destination that viewers of all types of programming can enjoy at TV4U.Com."

TV4U.Com programming is advertising supported free internet television. It features top shows - classic and current, including Andy Griffith, NASCAR, Beverly Hillbillies, Mark Lindsay music video hits, and Mannix.

About TV4U.Com
TV4U.Com is a leading internet provider of on-demand television and video content from the past 60 years. TV4U.Com provides online historical television content, licensed from Margate Entertainment LLC, free to all internet users. TV4U.Com presents 21 channels of programming, including western, comedy, drive-in-movie, drama, variety, detective, action, sports, music, travel, tavern TV, and kids. This content is available for online viewing by visiting 

About TV4U,Inc.
TV4U, Inc. creates commercial video networks. Programming for TV4U,Inc. is supplied by Margate Entertainment LLC, the largest private TV program library in the USA. Founded as TVS Television Network in 1961, TV4U.Com is actually the fourth oldest commercial TV network in the USA. In addition to providing programming for broadband video networks such as TV4U.Com, Margate Entertainment LLC also publishes a series of E Magazines including;;;, and TV4U, Inc. also operates web based shopping E Commerce networks such as and specialty channels such as TV4U, Inc. also produces syndicated TV programming for cable networks and broadcast TV syndication such as Circle of Sports, Distant Replay, Poor Sports, You Asked For It, Rock and Roll Legends Live, Hollywood Palace, PM Magazine, and Thrillseekers. TV4U.Com is an ad supported free internet TV broadband network that competes with In2TV (Warner/AOL), InnerTube (CBS/Viacom), and NBBC (NBC/Universal) in the ad supported free internet programming broadbad network segment of the industry.

Tom Ficara
702 360 9994