TandemSpring Announces the Launch of PlanScan, a Free Online Business Strategy Analyzer

Chicago, IL, March 12, 2011 --(PR.com)-- TandemSpring announced today the launch of PlanScan, a free online business strategy analyzer which is available at www.tandemspring.com/planscan. Tomer Yogev, Founder and Principal Small Business Consultant at TandemSpring says, “PlanScan has really been a labor of love. We just hope that PlanScan gives budding entrepreneurs some ideas to think about, some honest feedback, and hopefully, for some out there, the motivation to really pursue their entrepreneurial dreams.”

PlanScan is a short survey that takes less than ten minutes to complete. While it appears simple, Yogev says, “It is the result of years of research, academic study, in the field analysis, and countless small business consultations.” The intent behind PlanScan is simply to help aspiring entrepreneurs think critically about their business ideas and consider the strength, viability, and logic of their strategy. According to Yogev, “Entrepreneurs, especially first-time entrepreneurs, seem to always get stuck on if their business ideas are good enough or not. We’d like to help them move past that, into more critical analysis of the business strategy. We find that once a solid strategy is put together for an entrepreneur to pursue, they are almost instantaneously less fearful, more motivated, and freed from the cycle of constantly debating if they should pursue their dreams or not.”

While Yogev admits that PlanScan is not entirely comprehensive, he is confident it will help any entrepreneur or small business owner. “There is no way to cover all the possible strategic bases with less than hundreds of questions. PlanScan is not that. This is a handful of mostly yes/no questions, aimed at shining light on the strengths and weaknesses of a business strategy. It won’t answer all questions, but it will help most any entrepreneur to perhaps see their business from a new perspective.”

PlanScan is available now, for free, at www.tandemspring.com/planscan.

TandemSpring is a small business, non-profit, and startup consultancy located in Chicago. Focusing on the strategic and operational difficulties facing smaller organizations, TandemSpring uses strategic modeling, counseling, and quantitative analysis to help its clients reach their next level. Find out more about TandemSpring at www.tandemspring.com

Tomer Yogev