Coping with Loss? New Book Project Elinor: The Illness Provides the Tools to Overcome Any of Life’s Obstacles.

Toronto, Canada, March 12, 2011 --( TCertified Life Recovery Coach Nadia Finley has published her first book titled ‘Project Elinor: The Illness”, (December 2010, Amazon). In her book The Illness, Finley guides readers through pathways to emotional, spiritual, and physical well-being. By sharing her story about the loss of her mother, Finley provides unique perspectives to overcome life’s obstacles and dealing with loss, accompanied by a series of practical exercises to help you through the grieving process.

In her first book Finley demonstrates how life experiences can negatively affect one’s overall well-being. The term "Illness" is not necessarily linked to a physical sickness; but rather, it is connected to your personal struggle with any of the following:

Loss of a loved one;
Loss of a job;
Loss of self-esteem or self-identity;
Breakdown of a marriage or relationship;
Drastic change in your financial status;
Loss of anything or anyone you hold dear.

Project Elinor: The Illness defines ‘your Illness’ as your most negative life experience; you determine what that is. To put it simply, our Illnesses are our most profound, negative life experiences. This book offers the tools needed for optimizing every experience and opportunity that life will provide, despite the negative circumstances that many of us fear to face and overcome at the present time.

Find out more about Project Elinor and how Certified Life Recover Coach Nadia Finley can help people dealing with loss and increase their confidence at

Project Elinor: The Illness can be purchased at participating book stores, as well as on-line at;;;

About the Author
Author Nadia Finley is a highly respected certified Life Recovery Coach, based in Toronto, Canada. She provides lifestyle counseling and life coaching to clients throughout North America. Finley is an active media personality and has been interviewed on nationally syndicated networks, television and radio talk shows such as Montel Williams “Montel Across America”, ABC “Morning Show”, WBZ, Boston MA “Women’s Watch” and many more. Finley’s strength is in bringing perspective to life’s struggles through a program based on experience, expertise and extensive research. Finley provides Corporate Wellness programs, group sessions, and one-on-one life coaching.

Nadia Finley
Certified Life Recovery Coach; Author
Project Elinor Ltd.

Project Elinor
Nadia Finley