New Software for SEO Released from Ciaps Inc

One of the biggest problems that websites and web shops have with search engines is what is known as duplicate content, in which the same content appears at more than one URL. Unfortunately, most CMS and shop systems create large quantities of duplicate content. The problem is so big that search engines have developed a number of different patches to reduce the effect of the problem. But patches don’t solve the problem. What is needed is to eliminate duplicate content.

Coral Springs, FL, March 14, 2011 --( New software finds duplicate content.

Presently, the only way to find all the occurrences of duplicate content on a website is extremely time-consuming manual work. For that reason, duplicate content is a costly burden for almost all web shops and other sites throughout the world, resulting in many missed sales.

That was the background that led the internationally recognized search engine expert Thomas Rosenstand to develop software that can elicit and identify every possible occurrence of duplicate content. He explains, “I just couldn’t find any appropriate software anywhere that could do this important task. There are a few programs that try, but none that can clean out all of it. When we started the development work we discovered why it is so difficult. This has been an enormous challenge, which has involved a large team of developers, programmers and other experts for more than a year. But now we have it — DCFinder is ready for the world market.”

Reveals duplicate content before your website goes online

The new software, DCFinder, excels at being able to crawl through, index and scan a website or shop before it goes live. The site can be scanned and corrected while it is still on the development server (or the programmer’s computer.) Of course DCFinder can also crawl through, index and scan sites that are already online, so that existing errors can be found and corrected.

Search engines can’t cope with duplicate content

”Search engines like Google and Bing have to remove duplicate content in their index, which they do with heavy hand. Unfortunately they don’t do the job well, which has serious consequence for websites. Every week since DCFinder has been available, we have seen examples of quite dramatic improvement in placement in the search engines, with the accompanying improvement in sales for websites and shops who have been able to remove duplicate content.

“But the best solution, of course, is to avoid duplicate content in the first place, rather than to have to repair an existing site. With DCFinder, all web agencies can ensure that they are delivering the best solutions to their customers,” Thomas Rosenstand emphasizes.

Advanced technology in DCFinder

Extremely advanced algorithms have been used in DCFinder to get as close as possible to the way Google and Bing “see” a website. For instance, the crawler technology has been developed to follow the same conventions as the search engines with respect to robots.txt, the so-called “noindex” commands, and of course the use of the Canonical URL tag, to name a few examples.

Thomas Rosenstand explains: “The largest challenge was finding the right model for text recognition, so DCFinder can evaluate duplicate content in the same way as the search engines. The solution was a modified version of the Levenshtein Distance algorithm. We have also built in functions, so the user can specify the match percent that DCFinder works with. In fact DCFinder is very flexible and can be adjusted for many different parameters.”

It reveals both technical error and unfortunate reuse of texts

DCFinder not only finds duplicate content that is the result of inappropriate website structure, it also finds all occurrences of text that is too similar. Precisely repeated text is a large problem for web shops. Therefore, DCFinder is a solution not only for programmers and developers, but is also a necessary tool for all web shop owners.

Two versions of DCFinder

The software is available in two versions: DCFinder Basic and DCFinder Advanced. The advanced function respects the Canonical URL tag and can analyze text at the word, sentence and even paragraph level.

No matter which version you use, DCFinder will present a complete list of URLs with duplicate content, as well as each of those pages with the duplicate content marked. That makes it very easy to isolate the problematic pages as well as to correct the errors that create the problem.

Both versions can export data to programs like Excel.

DCFinder software can be bought at, by Ciaps, Inc, a subsidiary of the Danish Search Engine Optimizing company Concept Interest ApS.

Ciaps Inc.
Thomas Rosenstand