Despite Peter King Hearings American Muslim Mom Continues to Grow Exponentially
As Representative Peter King’s controversial hearings sought to better identify American Muslim leaders, his actions encouraged Americans and brands to search the web themselves. Based on search engine results, attributes their most trafficked day of March 11, 2011 to Americans taking Rep. King’s advise to look for American Muslim Moms.
Meriden, CT, March 16, 2011 --( The American Muslim Mom Blog [], YouTube, Facebook and Twitter [@ponnsabra] accounts have grown nearly three-fold since the founder returned from Gaza and Egypt this December. However, it nearly doubled its usual traffic on March 11, 2011 for the search term “American Muslim Mom.”
Best-selling author, founder and owner of American Muslim Mom, Ponn Sabra writes about daily life issues to educate, enlighten and empower Muslim moms to take action. For example, one of the most popular articles was Muslim Wives Need to Learn to Just Shut Up. Sabra also assisted CNN find teen Muslim American girls who wear hijab (modest dress including the head scarf). Sabra even challenged Muslims not to blindly purchase from a particular brand simply because they shared an Eid greeting on their fliers, because valuing the dollar as a frugal, educated American Consumer is more Islamic than striving for attention or acceptance as an American Muslim Consumer. Rarely taking a defensive tone, Sabra’s article To Be Obedient Does Not Mean To Be Subservient was an educational piece written after being called a "rag-head" with an apology attempt to call her "subservient".
Jennifer shared a a 5-star review on stated that “...even though we are not Muslim (nominally Catholic), I really appreciate your blog. We live in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood (Harlem in NYC) and my best friend, who lives in Washington DC, is Muslim as well. I find it very frustrating how Muslim families are treated by some sectors of the American population, and I think the more that normal, happy, American, Muslim families are out there publicly, especially in homey, friendly arenas like blogs, the better for everyone. We're all just families with different religions or cultures...blogs are so good for making that clear!”
Non-Muslim comments on the American Muslim Mom YouTube videos include:
RateMyKnitting shares, “Great projects for kids. Well done!” for the highest-viewed video which demonstrated the Sabra girls’ first attempt at loom-knitting.
Reemtv recommends, “You guys should add more baby/kid product reviews, like the flo (nice video).” Flo is a product that helps make bubble baths more safe and fun.
Having re-branded in February 2011, American Muslim Mom changed its logo, tagline, and mission statement to better reflect the husband’s role as an integral part of the Muslim family.
Sabra also launched the American Muslim Mom Podcast which has reached their annual goal of downloads in the first 3-weeks. Sabra’s three young homeschooled girls sang a nasheed (Islamic song) the describes one of the most treasured hadith (sayings or actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him) regarding the utmost respect Muslims hold for their mothers.
Sabra received this message from her podcast producer Christina of, “I loved hearing your girls sing the song about I was shoveling yesterday I couldn't get the tune out of my head!...The song is a wonderful sentiment even for those who aren't Muslim.”
Sabra has been approached by international brands to work with them to reach the Muslim audience. Sabra has also worked with Muslim brands to introduce halal products to the mom blogger community. She is honored to be part of an effort to unify Muslim and non-Muslim parents online. A striking example also occurred late on March 11th, when an internationally-renowned parenting brand contacted Sabra because the one Muslim male employee, a fan of her blog, proposed the brand work with her.
“Despite Representative Peter King’s hearings, I’ve been approached by two international brands to conduct Muslim-specific outreach. The first to share my Muslim-specific views and resources to their parent site, and the second to help educate designers about our Eid celebrations because there is a customers demand to create Eid greeting cards. With these unique opportunities, I haven’t had time to fear backlash from these hearings. I’m actually encouraged to see individuals and brands seeking to learn more about an American Muslim’s lifestyle, and feel blessed that they are finding as a resource,” shared Sabra.
About American Muslim Mom was founded in 2009, after Ponn Sabra repositioned her modest mommy blog that began in 2005. Today, is the #1 online blog community for American Muslim Moms living in America and abroad. Featured topics include: homeschooling, green living, frugality, money management, and making money online. and
Best-selling author, founder and owner of American Muslim Mom, Ponn Sabra writes about daily life issues to educate, enlighten and empower Muslim moms to take action. For example, one of the most popular articles was Muslim Wives Need to Learn to Just Shut Up. Sabra also assisted CNN find teen Muslim American girls who wear hijab (modest dress including the head scarf). Sabra even challenged Muslims not to blindly purchase from a particular brand simply because they shared an Eid greeting on their fliers, because valuing the dollar as a frugal, educated American Consumer is more Islamic than striving for attention or acceptance as an American Muslim Consumer. Rarely taking a defensive tone, Sabra’s article To Be Obedient Does Not Mean To Be Subservient was an educational piece written after being called a "rag-head" with an apology attempt to call her "subservient".
Jennifer shared a a 5-star review on stated that “...even though we are not Muslim (nominally Catholic), I really appreciate your blog. We live in a predominantly Muslim neighborhood (Harlem in NYC) and my best friend, who lives in Washington DC, is Muslim as well. I find it very frustrating how Muslim families are treated by some sectors of the American population, and I think the more that normal, happy, American, Muslim families are out there publicly, especially in homey, friendly arenas like blogs, the better for everyone. We're all just families with different religions or cultures...blogs are so good for making that clear!”
Non-Muslim comments on the American Muslim Mom YouTube videos include:
RateMyKnitting shares, “Great projects for kids. Well done!” for the highest-viewed video which demonstrated the Sabra girls’ first attempt at loom-knitting.
Reemtv recommends, “You guys should add more baby/kid product reviews, like the flo (nice video).” Flo is a product that helps make bubble baths more safe and fun.
Having re-branded in February 2011, American Muslim Mom changed its logo, tagline, and mission statement to better reflect the husband’s role as an integral part of the Muslim family.
Sabra also launched the American Muslim Mom Podcast which has reached their annual goal of downloads in the first 3-weeks. Sabra’s three young homeschooled girls sang a nasheed (Islamic song) the describes one of the most treasured hadith (sayings or actions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him) regarding the utmost respect Muslims hold for their mothers.
Sabra received this message from her podcast producer Christina of, “I loved hearing your girls sing the song about I was shoveling yesterday I couldn't get the tune out of my head!...The song is a wonderful sentiment even for those who aren't Muslim.”
Sabra has been approached by international brands to work with them to reach the Muslim audience. Sabra has also worked with Muslim brands to introduce halal products to the mom blogger community. She is honored to be part of an effort to unify Muslim and non-Muslim parents online. A striking example also occurred late on March 11th, when an internationally-renowned parenting brand contacted Sabra because the one Muslim male employee, a fan of her blog, proposed the brand work with her.
“Despite Representative Peter King’s hearings, I’ve been approached by two international brands to conduct Muslim-specific outreach. The first to share my Muslim-specific views and resources to their parent site, and the second to help educate designers about our Eid celebrations because there is a customers demand to create Eid greeting cards. With these unique opportunities, I haven’t had time to fear backlash from these hearings. I’m actually encouraged to see individuals and brands seeking to learn more about an American Muslim’s lifestyle, and feel blessed that they are finding as a resource,” shared Sabra.
About American Muslim Mom was founded in 2009, after Ponn Sabra repositioned her modest mommy blog that began in 2005. Today, is the #1 online blog community for American Muslim Moms living in America and abroad. Featured topics include: homeschooling, green living, frugality, money management, and making money online. and
American Muslim Mom
Ponn Sabra
Ponn Sabra
