Website Helps Parents Teach Their Kids to Make Smart Money Decisions

Learning to spend cash is a skill diminishing in importance. As people add more non-cash ways to spend money, they never entirely replace previous methods. This creates a broader knowledge base and extends the learning curve for today’s children.

New London, WI, March 16, 2011 --( Walnut Row unveiled its completely redesigned website,, featuring a new banner defining the company as creating, “Books for children…books for life.”

“The new tagline better describes what we do–creating materials that give parents strategies and tools for raising responsible, independent children,” says owner Lynne Finch. “Right now our focus is on our money management series. We plan to extend the line with more information for parents and money management books for young adults and adults.”

Walnut Row’s first book, “The No-Cash Allowance,” is a Mom's Choice Awards® Gold Recipient ( This seal, given to products found to be family-friendly and of a good quality, is what separates "The No-Cash Allowance" from other books on the market.

Finch says, "As a society, we're going cashless and it's time to help our kids master the skill of managing money that they can't see or touch.” To that end the website now includes downloadable forms for kids to track their money, a core principle of the book which is written as a guidebook for parents of kids ages 3 to 18.

Starting with written accounts helps kids get hands-on practice keeping track of their own money. As they get older the natural transition is to using a computer spreadsheet. Later, as adults, today’s kids will use mobile devices along with personal finance software to manage their accounts from anywhere in the world.

The site also includes a weekly blog, “Kids and Money,” addressing such topics as why financial literacy classes and piggy banks don’t teach money management, how kids view money, and when to start teaching kids money management.

Interesting statistics about kids and money from current news and surveys are featured along with explanations of the relevance for today’s parents.

Parents can now submit their questions about “The No-Cash Allowance” using a form on the Q&A page found on the website.

A Kindle version of “The No-Cash Allowance” is under development with a planned release this spring. Future publications will include “When Money is Not Cash: A Primer for Parents,” “Getting Started with The No-Cash Allowance: A Success Plan for Parents,” “No-Cash Money Management for Young Adults,” and “No-Cash Money Management for Adults.”

About Walnut Row
The company creates books for children, books for life. Its first book, “The No-Cash Allowance,” is a non-fiction parenting book that received a national award. The company was founded on the belief that children can do many things that adults think are too complicated for them, money management being one of them.

Lynne Finch
Phone: 920-982-1475
P.O. Box 25
New London, WI 54961

Walnut Row
Lynne Finch