Denise Robinson Introduces Her Newly Published e-Book Available on, "Love Behind Bars"

Introducing a black woman's short, very frank autobiography. One night in July, her cell phone rang, it was her son. He was calling from the police station. He said, "I have been arrested and I'm being held on attempted murder charges." This was the beginning of life changing events.

Los Angeles, CA, March 27, 2011 --( Excerpt from Denise Robinson's book, Love Behind Bars:

"David, While he is driving his car with two buddies after a visit to a drug house, one youth fires a gun at two pursuing undercover police cars. The trio are charged with attempted murder. This is the greatest disaster for Mom, she cries and seeks attorneys at a great expense, (David's bail is originally set at one million dollars). He spends time in jail, then time in state prison. Damond has legal trouble when his pesky girlfriend charges him with rape. But it turns out she's mentally unstable, with a fake ID lying that she is 18. In her Misery, Denise has the compulsion to find Stone, her great love, such as it was. Her intuition is right - she locates him online, in a Kentucky prison."

e book...

Denise Robinson
714 602 8604