Georgia Non-Profit Raffles House as 2011 Fundraiser Event

Paralyzed real estate market motivates non-profit organization to creatively coordinate fundraiser. Home Owner Mortgage Education, Inc, scheduled to raffle four bedroom renovation in established Atlanta subdivision December of 2011. Privately funded organization struggles to meet demand for services from the State's distressed homeowners.

Atlanta, GA, March 30, 2011 --( Established in 1999, Home Owner Mortgage Education, Inc (H.O.M.E Inc.), has plans to raffle a four bedroom, two bathroom renovated home December 2011. The property will be the first fundraising event organized by the organization. H.O.M.E. has been member supported since inception.

Demand for services has dramatically increased with the crash of the housing market. H.O.M.E assists distressed and default mortgage holders. "Our services are in the form of education and administrative support," explains Layla Vehlawald. "This event is critical to us being able to continue servicing clients free of charge. There are many scams making empty promises and taking people's hard earned money," says Vehlawald.

A complete list of prizes and photographs of the house are available online. Simply search HomeIncHouseRaffle in your favorite search engine and follow through. There are only 7,000 tickets available to be sold dramatically increasing the winning odds for each ticket holder. "We would like the grand prize winning ticket holder to take possession of the house," says Vehlawald. The raffle will take place on December 20, 2011 at 12 noon. Request for tickets are to be mailed to H.O.M.E Inc, P. O. Box 16636, Atlanta, GA, 30321.

Home Owner Mortgage Education, Inc.
Ivette Rainey