Women on the Verge Announces Three Graces Winners for Q1 2011

Tucson, AZ, April 01, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Women’s online community Women on the Verge (WOTV) announces its Three Graces Awards winners for the first quarter of 2011. Three Graces Awards presented to women within the WOTV community who best represent these virtues are: Beauty, Karen Monroy; Charm, Robbie Kaye; and Creativity, Dr. Deb Brown.

WOTV founder Ana Lewis talks about the winners:

Beauty – Karen Monroy - "During a WOTV radio show, Robbie Kaye, tattled on Karen for being a true Woman on the Verge. Karen recently spent hours on the phone with Robbie, emboldening her to submit her fabulous work to the Smithsonian Museums. Karen supported, empowered and encouraged Robbie enough that Robbie got off the phone and did exactly that – submitted her work to the Smithsonian. As a result, Robbie received a much deserved positive response and Karen showcased the beauty of the beliefs of Women on the Verge."

Charm – Robbie Kaye - "Robbie Kaye receives our Charm award for her blog post, Angry or Quiet? - in response to our February topic, “Angry Woman Quiet Woman?” Robbie hit a nerve with her honesty and realness in admitting that sometimes she is both – angry and quiet. Her blog post received the greatest amount of traffic during the month of February and garnered her a well-deserved recipient of our award for Charm."

Creativity – Dr. Deb Brown - "Deb Brown used to post quite often on the Women on the Verge blogs, however, recently she has been quiet – to those who don't know any better. Her blog post from one year ago, titled, “Top Ten Things to Give Up for Lent” was our top trafficked blog for the month of March, 2011 – One year later! I learned something new from Dr. Deb's creativity – blog timeless, blog useful – and people will be interested in what you have to say. I am betting that next year, during Lent, Dr. Deb's blog will still be a popular spot on the Women on the Verge website.”

Based on Greek mythology, the Three Graces are historically the goddesses of joy, charm, and beauty, and are always represented in artworks as a trinity - rarely alone. The daughters of the god Zeus and the nymph Eurynome, the goddesses were named Aglaia (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Mirth), and Thalia (Good Cheer). Oft the subject of painting, sculpture, poetry and other art forms, the Three Graces have long been thought to imbue humans with the ability to create beautiful works of art.

The WOTV online community encourages its member (including a few men) to connect with each other to share and learn. There are blogs, vlogs, photographs, social media and other creative ways to share concerns about business, family, kids, health and world news. WOTV aims to break down the stereotypes of women by being supportive and nurturing of its members and their endeavors. According to Ana Lewis, being a Woman on the Verge means being accepted as yourself.

Find WOTV at www.womenontheverge.net

Women on the Verge
Ana Lewis