There is No Black Male Crisis in America

Entrepreneur, author and motivational speaker Michael Taylor is introducing a new website that is designed to empower men to reach their full potential. The intention is to challenge men to embrace new ways of being men in todays ever changing world.

Houston, TX, February 27, 2007 --( Michael Taylor is a man on a mission, and he is passionate about his message: the gospel of hard work self-responsibility and self-improvement, the message of unlimited possibilities and his motto: “Anything in life is possible”. In an effort to help teach men how to embrace this new paradigm of masculinity Mr. Taylor began sharing his philosophies and lessons through workshops and seminars and then through his first book, Brothers Are You Listening? A Success Guide For The New Millennium. He is now launching a website, and a radio show, specifically targeted to men who would like to embrace this new way of thinking and behaving.

As a product of the inner city projects, and former high school dropout, who has overcome many of the obstacles facing black men today including racism, poverty, divorce, foreclosure and depression, Mr. Taylor’s message strikes a cord with men of all ethnicities. He walks his talk and is committed to teaching others to do the same.

We have all heard the statistics that there are more black males in prison than there are in college. The statistics tell us that the number one killer of black males is homicide. We are constantly bombarded with images of deadbeat dads, high school dropouts and senseless acts of violence perpetuated by black males. It’s understandable why some people believe that black men are on the verge of extinction.

But Mr. Taylor has a different perception and perspective. “I do not deny the challenges facing black men today, but despite these challenges I believe there is reason for optimism and hope. Our greatest challenge as black men isn’t racism, incarceration or poverty. Our greatest challenge is to create a new paradigm of masculinity in which men embrace new ways of being men in today’s ever changing society. The time has come for black men to participate in their own personal transformation. We must be courageous enough to look at our own emotional and psychological wounds that may be keeping us from having intimate relationships with our selves our spouses and our children. Every man can learn to have great relationships with their spouses, children and friends. Unfortunately too many of us did not have good role models to teach us how to do this.”

Michael’s goal is to create a forum, on the web site and through the radio program, where men can come together and create a positive dialog about what it means to be a man in today’s society. Men will have an opportunity to speak openly about things like the challenges of relationships, divorce, depression, alcoholism, fatherhood, money (or lack of), sex and any other topic relevant to men today. The site is designed to become a sacred space for men to learn about themselves and what it means to be a man in today’s ever changing world.

Creation Publishing Group
Michael Taylor