Sandra Wexford, Health Researcher, Releases New Product That Helps UTI Sufferers Get Relief with Safe Natural Remedy

Atlanta, GA, April 05, 2011 --( After frequent and painful battles with recurring urinary tract infections, Sandra developed and released the "UTI Relief In 15 Minutes" product. Sandra developed and tested a natural and effective product for relieving the symptoms associated with a UTI.

After getting brushed off by Doctors for asking about natural or healthy alternatives to the frequent prescriptions of Antibiotics, Sandra conducted research and began testing alternative treatments.

“Basically I was at the end of my rope. I just couldn’t bring myself to go to the doctor again for another round of antibiotics, so I did the research and testing and came up with a great alternative,” Sandra said.

Helping other people overcome the pain and frustration that is commonly associated with UTI’s was a primary goal for Sandra in the development of UTI Relief in 15 Minutes.

“I didn’t want anyone to have to go through what I went through. Especially when I was sure there was a safe, natural, healthy alternative out there. I just needed to find it and share it,” Sandra said.

One way Sandra shares her extensive research is through her website at Sandra regularly publishes articles and discussions about UTI’s, their causes, treatments, and relevant new research.

About Sandra Wexford: Sandra is a working mother of two who is an expert in natural remedies and herbal alternatives to common issues. Sandra has been researching and successfully using natural, effective remedies for more than 20 years.

Sandra Wexford