2nd Annual PodCamp Cleveland Unconference Slated for April 30, 2011
PodCamp Cleveland is holding its 2nd annual social media unconference on April 30, 2011. The event is organized by Search Circus, and will take place at the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center in Brecksville, Ohio.
Cleveland, OH, April 09, 2011 --(PR.com)-- As the latest addition to the worldwide podcamp trend, PodCamp Cleveland is holding its 2nd annual social media unconference on April 30, 2011. The event is organized by Search Circus and will take place at the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center in Brecksville, Ohio.
What exactly is a podcamp? Podcamps can be thought of as unique, yet casual conferences highlighting the newest Web 2.0 technology. Ever since the first podcamp launched in Boston in 2006, podcamps have gained popularity for being more informal and free-flowing as opposed to the traditional conference. Podcamp sessions are interactive, animated, candid, spontaneous and fun.
Ever since the initial podcamp, the trend immediately took off and spread worldwide. In addition to PodCamp Cleveland, other cities hold their own podcamps including Pittsburgh, Columbus, Philadelphia and Cincinnati will hold their first podcamp in October 2011. Even Hawaii has followed the trend by hosting Podcamp Honolulu each year.
Attendees from the 2010 PodCamp Cleveland had this to say about the event, “There was so much information presented that my head is still spinning,” and “I created a Facebook fan page right in class for my business, it was so easy!”
You don’t have to be a social media guru or professional podcaster to attend. Podcamps are designed for anyone with a desire to learn more about social media and the Web. During the one-day event, podcasters, bloggers, business owners, and social media users and enthusiasts will all gather for this informative unconference. During the event, participants will have the opportunity to attend several informal sessions, where people discuss the latest techniques, tactics, experiences, and innovations in the social media world and online landscape. Although the event is free, advance registration is required.
Currently, PodCamp Cleveland is scheduling speakers who will share their knowledge and expertise in casual, informative sessions. Previous podcamps across the country have featured topics ranging from using Twitter to promote a business to how to tell a compelling story through podcasts. PodCamp organizers are also still accepting sponsorships for the 2nd annual event. Sponsors range from platinum to silver sponsor packages with varying promotions and features. Podcamp welcomes sponsors from local area businesses, bloggers, as well as individuals. For more information, visit www.podcampcleveland.com, or get the latest news on Twitter @podcmpcleveland. Follow the hashtag #PCCLV11.
What exactly is a podcamp? Podcamps can be thought of as unique, yet casual conferences highlighting the newest Web 2.0 technology. Ever since the first podcamp launched in Boston in 2006, podcamps have gained popularity for being more informal and free-flowing as opposed to the traditional conference. Podcamp sessions are interactive, animated, candid, spontaneous and fun.
Ever since the initial podcamp, the trend immediately took off and spread worldwide. In addition to PodCamp Cleveland, other cities hold their own podcamps including Pittsburgh, Columbus, Philadelphia and Cincinnati will hold their first podcamp in October 2011. Even Hawaii has followed the trend by hosting Podcamp Honolulu each year.
Attendees from the 2010 PodCamp Cleveland had this to say about the event, “There was so much information presented that my head is still spinning,” and “I created a Facebook fan page right in class for my business, it was so easy!”
You don’t have to be a social media guru or professional podcaster to attend. Podcamps are designed for anyone with a desire to learn more about social media and the Web. During the one-day event, podcasters, bloggers, business owners, and social media users and enthusiasts will all gather for this informative unconference. During the event, participants will have the opportunity to attend several informal sessions, where people discuss the latest techniques, tactics, experiences, and innovations in the social media world and online landscape. Although the event is free, advance registration is required.
Currently, PodCamp Cleveland is scheduling speakers who will share their knowledge and expertise in casual, informative sessions. Previous podcamps across the country have featured topics ranging from using Twitter to promote a business to how to tell a compelling story through podcasts. PodCamp organizers are also still accepting sponsorships for the 2nd annual event. Sponsors range from platinum to silver sponsor packages with varying promotions and features. Podcamp welcomes sponsors from local area businesses, bloggers, as well as individuals. For more information, visit www.podcampcleveland.com, or get the latest news on Twitter @podcmpcleveland. Follow the hashtag #PCCLV11.
PodCamp Cleveland
Wendy Suto
Wendy Suto
