Full Surface Publishing Announces the Release of New Blockbuster Book, "Why Are So Many Black Men In Prison?"

A Comprehensive Account Of How And Why The Prison Industry Has Become A Predatory Entity In The Lives Of African-American Men, And How Mass Targeting, Criminalization, And Incarceration Of Black Male Youth Has Gone Toward Creating The Largest Prison System In The World.

Full Surface Publishing Announces the Release of New Blockbuster Book, "Why Are So Many Black Men In Prison?"
Memphis, TN, March 01, 2007 --(PR.com)-- New book reveals insights on the crisis of black male criminalization.

This book, though just published this month, has been drawing a lot of attention from the public. 

This book details the author’s personal story of a negligent upbringing in an impoverished community in Memphis, TN, his subsequent engagement in criminal activity (drug dealing), his incarceration, and his release from prison and experiencing of the crippling social disenfranchisement that comes with being an ex-felon. In "Why Are So Many Black Men In Prison?," Boothe relates his personal experiences and realizations to the seminal problems within the African-American community, federal government, and criminal justice system that cause his own experiences to be the same experiences of millions of other young Black men.

It is also the author’s aim to display to the reader very clear facts about this crisis of Black male criminalization and disenfranchisement; its origin, development, purpose, and its effects in terms of how it is stifling all of the other areas of development for African-Americans, and what steps that can be undertaken in order to curb and eventually annihilate this problem. In this book, Boothe identifies and expounds upon three basic problems that he feels are the causative factors behind the mass criminalization and incarceration of African-American males. "Why Are So Many Black Men In Prison?" also has information that can serve as a guideline for African-Americans on how to change their longstanding position as a powerless and dependent minority to a more independent and powerful group within the American and world power structure.

About the Author
Demico Boothe is considered by many to be an expert on the criminal justice system as it relates to African-Americans. He served twelve consecutive years inside of federal prison and was released in November of 2003. During his incarceration he read over five hundred books and dedicated his time to self improvement, study, writing, and mentoring other incarcerated African-American males about the need for lifestyle/mentality change. Since released, Boothe has been mentoring young minorities at local halfway houses and drug rehabilitation centers in Memphis, TN.

Why Are So Many Black Men In Prison? * by Demico Boothe

Publication Date: February 1, 2007 (Second Edition)
Trade Paperback; $14.00; 160 pages; ISBN 978-0-9792953-0-0

To request a complimentary paperback review copy, contact Full Surface Publishing at (901) 218-0714. To purchase copies of the book for resale, contact Ingram Book Company, Barnes and Noble, or Amazon.com.

Full Surface Publishing
Demico Boothe
(901) 218-0714