New Periodic Table Website Links to 109 Elements

A new Periodic Table website at shows atomic symbol and atomic number of 109 Elements with links to data for each element. The Periodic Table Website was developed by Atlantic Equipment Engineers (AEE) an ISO 9001:2008 Registered Firm in Bergenfield, New Jersey.

Bergenfield, NJ, April 17, 2011 --( Periodic Table Website Features Hyperlinks to Chemical and Physical Properties of 109 Elements.

A new Periodic Table website at shows atomic symbol and atomic number of 109 Elements with links to data. The Periodic Table Website was developed by Atlantic Equipment Engineers (AEE) an ISO 9001:2008, Registered Firm in Bergenfield, New Jersey.

By clicking on any element in the table, the user is hyperlinked to a new web-page containing both physical and chemical properties of that element. This information will be useful to research and development scientists, engineers, chemists, industrial processors as well as students of chemistry.

Each element web-page contains atomic weight, electronic configuration, oxidation states, state of matter, boiling point, melting point, CAS number, density, coefficient of expansion, electrical resistivity, crystal structure, and hazardous rating as well as the history, background and uses for that element. Each element web-page where AEE supplies the element or element compound links to a further product web-page containing, description, % purity, particle size, MSDS, Typical Chemical Analysis and cost/weight.

The Periodic Table Website also links to other metal powdered reference data such as a Grit & Particle Size Converter and Conversion Tables with over 4000 Scientific Factors from ABAMPS to SOLOTNIKS. There are also links to the US Patent Office, the Library of Congress and the Smithsonian Institution.

Each web-page also contains a unique telephone image, when clicked connects the user to AEE where they speak directly to an associate to obtain technical assistance on that product.

AEE has been a supplier of high-purity metal powders and compounds for research and industry since 1963. In 1994, AEE pioneered the use of the Internet to make both scientific data and reference materials and Product information available to scientists, researchers, chemists and engineers.

For additional Information contact Mike Gerald at 800-486-2486 or 201-384-5606 or go to on the internet.

Atlantic Equipment Engineers
Jerry Widawsky