AIMIA Appoints New South Australian President

AIMIA - the peak body for interactive content and digital media in Australia - appoints a new President, who outlines ideas for 2011.

Adelaide, Australia, April 17, 2011 --( AIMIA, the peak body for interactive content and digital media in Australia, appointed Grant Hull, Enabled Solutions Director, as President of the South Australian committee on Monday, April 4.

AIMIA represents the full spectrum of the digital media industry, from media powerhouses like ABC, Google & Disney, to developers, creators, service providers and others across the digital entertainment, advertising and education spheres. The 2011 South Australian committee comprises of Christopher Dalton, Leila Henderson, Jamie Dollard, Elise Morris, Geoffrey Kwitco, Guy Turner, Christine Cromarty, Peta Pash, Martin Read, Nick Geenslade, and Grant Hull.

Taking over the role from Past-President, Christopher Dalton, Grant believes he is perfectly positioned for the role as Director of Enabled. “In this diverse and rapidly changing industry, some of AIMIA’s key challenges are supporting its broad range of members equally, and making investments that wont be rendered obsolete by change,” Grant said. “With services across mobile, touch, web, motion and cross-platform catering to advertising, entertainment, and education, Enabled almost epitomises what digital media is today. That combined with Enabled’s rapid evolvement and fast uptake of new technologies over the past few years, makes me think I can bring a comprehensive and forward-thinking perspective to benefit AIMIA members.”

Already in discussion with national CEO, John Butterworth, Grant has identified four areas he would like to work on with the South Australian committee during his term. “The first is to raise awareness within the entertainment, advertising and education industries about what digital media is, and how it can specifically benefit them,” Grant said. “This is an ongoing aim of AIMIA.”

Working with the government to illustrate how they can help foster the digital media industry is another key area. “This would mean better structuring of funding and tendering processes,” Grant explained. “To be successful in this industry, digital media entities have to invest heavily in innovation, which means they don’t have time to invest in lengthy grant and tender processes. Many companies decide it’s too much work to engage with the government for this reason. Even when they do engage, the long processes mean benefits of innovation are delayed, and in the worst case scenario, rendered obsolete before they can be completed.”

“We would also like to work with education institutes,” Grant continued, “to help them structure courses relevant to the industry, and develop a profile of career pathways for people interested in digital media.”

The fourth area identified targets South Australian AIMIA members. “I want to encourage members to raise their sights to the international market,” said Grant. “It may not fit with the small-town Adelaide mindset, but Enabled’s experience is that Australian digital media entities have something to offer on an international level, and international companies are open to receiving it.”

For additional information on AIMIA or Enabled, please visit or, or contact Grant Hull.

Enabled Solutions Pty Ltd
Grant Hull
61 8 8272 6658