Moment by Moment - a Journey of a Premature Baby

Premature Baby Airlie Fae fought for life at 27+5 weeks gestation weighing 861grams. Her family then needed to fight to find products, services, information and understanding too. Now Born out of experience this family is trying to provide all the items and information in the one place that they needed when they had their baby girl.

Blue Bay, Australia, March 02, 2007 --( Airlie Fae at 27+5 weeks gestation and only 861 grams begins her journey.

Thankfully due to the Doctors and Nurses at Sydney’s Royal North Shore Hospital Airlie Fae’s Moment by Moment - journey is one with a happy ending. For many other families this is not the case.

For Airlie’s parents Fiona & Adrian Dixon and 5 year old brother Mason the unexpected early arrival of their precious daughter meant they were thrown into the world of the unknown. What started as a routine glucose test immediately became a life threatening situation for both mother and baby with Fiona being diagnosed with PE and HELLP Syndrome. Fiona says “The world inside a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is unlike anything I have ever been in”. For the first week after Airlie’s birth, Fiona said her world was “like watching a movie”. Numb from shock and a lack of understanding of what was happening; she felt she was almost in denial of the situation.

As minutes turned into hours and hours into days the Dixon’s became aware of how precious every moment with their daughter was but also how they needed to arm themselves with as much information as possible. They were surrounded by parents in similar situations, all looking for information, support and clothing for these tiny little babies. Not wanting to leave their babies for any length of time it was hard to quickly find information and products.

Unfortunately for many families in this situation they do not have family or friends to support them and often those closest to them become the ones least able to support them as they too struggle with how to cope with this very fragile situation.

While some family and friends were very supportive some were unable to grasp the situation and the final straw came when Fiona was shopping for items for Airlie and was told “it’s not worth our while stocking that sort of stuff”, she knew then that her journey was to create a one stop information and product portal for parents and families of both premature babies and angel babies (those whose journey did not continue).

Fellow NICU mum Sophie (whose daughter Jordan was born at 30 weeks) says “I am so supportive of the Moment by Moment website. I think a premature birth is something that takes the majority of parents by surprise, something that they are totally unprepared for, and there is a huge need for a site that will provide them with not only knowledge, support and contact with others in the same position, but also access to products that are suitable for premature babies”.

Further information about Airlie’s Journey and Moment by Moment can be found on or by emailing

For further media information or to arrange an interview and photographs, please contact: Fiona Dixon Ph: 0408689330 or email

Moment by Moment
Fiona Dixon
+61 (2) 43347361
FAX 61(2)49109065