Fast Growth at - Web Visitors, Facebook Followers Increase Dramatically in First Months, the new content-rich, resource-packed and interactive site for parents traveling with their children, demonstrated robust growth in its first months. Web visitors increased by 25%, and Facebook page Likers grew by nearly 1,000.

San Francisco, CA, April 29, 2011 --(, the new content-rich, resource-packed and interactive site for moms (and dads) who are or want to travel with their children, is showing robust growth in its first months of life after launch. Since its opening in February, web visitors increased by 25%, registrations for its newsletter grew by the same amount, and the site’s Facebook page Likers grew by 1,000.

The global base of its content has expanded too, with new “Mombassadors” – moms who provide unique parent-specific information for their regions and serve as a backup contact point for traveling parents in need – signing on from Mauritius and Scottsdale, Arizona.

Readers’ engagement with the site is strong, with visitors spending an average of 3.5 minutes on the site. Said Lillianne Lee in a comment on Momaboard’s Facebook page, “Thanks for the tips! I spent a loooong time last night on your site!” has attracted some major media attention right out of the box. During its first month up and running, the new website was featured on the front page of BlogHer, Mamapedia, and in the Travel section of the Washington Post.

To learn more about this exciting new website and its founder, or to arrange an interview with founder Kaamna Bhojwani-Dhawan of San Francisco, please contact Ann Baker, Publicity Pros,, 213-785-8835.

BlogHer Link:

Mamapedia Link:

Washington Post Link:

Kaamna Bhojwani-Dhawan
(415) 217-9200
Ann Baker, Publicist
Publicity Pros