2BrainsMedia Launches User-generated Online Magazine Featuring Pop Culture Trends - MyItThings.com

MyItThings ( http://www.MyItThings.com) is an online magazine featuring user-generated content in variety of pop culture subjects related to – Entertainment, Tech, Fashion, Body and House.

New York, NY, March 05, 2007 --(PR.com)-- MyItThings provides a multi-channel publishing solution for bloggers and online content producers of the 'MySpace generation'. It allows leisure writers to evolve to the next level and become contributors in a collaborative magazine. The magazine allows personal expression in forms of: opinion sharing, product review, trend spotting and individual recommendations. This community offers its writers exposure to a wider audience of interested readers. 

MyItThings' main feature provides a 'Virtual Closet' to all users where they can store items they own or wish to own such as: clothes, accessories, gadgets, books, CDs, and more. The collection of these 'Virtual Closets' will help connecting people with similar taste in music, fashion and such, allowing them to create niche communities and social interactions. 

MyItThings is powered by a unique self-publishing application used by writers to create consistent content that can be inserted into the magazine's advance layouts. This application also supports automated screening and publishing process for its multi-channel platform. 

For additional information MyItThings, contact press@myitthings.com or visit http://www.myitthings.com 

MyItThings was developed by New York City based 2BrainsMedia LLC, a privately held company founded in 2006 to create a new form of shared online publishing. It offers a collaborative and entertaining experience where users can create a personal magazine page, open their own virtual closet, get published on the main magazine pages and find people sharing similar taste in music, fashion, gadgets and other pop culture products.

Yuli Zen