Offers a Cure for Stress arms people with Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), a powerful tool to help them relax, handle stress and cope with pain.

Austin, TX, May 16, 2011 --( Medical and scientific evidence continues to pile up suggesting a relationship between stress and the risk of cardiovascular disease, as well as other chronic, debilitating conditions. To meet this challenge head on, offers Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

“The word ‘stress’ describes a person's reaction to physical, emotional or environmental factors,” says FitMentorMD's CEO. “All people feel stress, but they feel it in different amounts and react to it in different ways.”

For this reason, he says, provides regularly updated tools, tips and techniques for stress reduction. “This way, we hope that anyone can find what they need here to help reduce their stress.” The information is accessible to all site visitors, with no password necessary.

“MBSR, one of the tools offered at, encompasses a number of techniques, so it can help many different kinds of people.” Using a variety of techniques, including gentle yoga, mindfulness meditation and breathing exercises, MBSR can also lighten the impact of chronic conditions such as arthritis, heart disease or diabetes. Interested consumers can visit to learn more. provides a wide variety of other health and wellness-related information and news for members and the general public. Frequently updated features available without a password include health and beauty, nutrition and supplements, stress management, and exercise advice, all with a non-traditional focus intended to complement mainstream beliefs and practices.

After years of experience in the alternative health industry, FitMentorMD’s founders realized that consumers want more than a quick, temporary fix from a pill or crash diet. FitMentorMD has quickly become the fastest-growing members-only self-care website, where consumers can receive support for their healthy lifestyle goals while learning about health and wellness in an online environment uninfluenced by pharmaceutical advertising.


Cathy Jennings