18 Year Old Filmmaker Raising Funds to Attend Seattle True Independent Film Festival
Indie short film The Saving has now moved into its next phase, that would be Seattle Or Bust. Seattle Or Bust is the next goal in her filmmaking career, or as MJ is known to call it, part of her of ten year plan for indie film world domination.
Seattle, WA, May 11, 2011 --(PR.com)-- The Saving
An independent short film.
Her name is MJ Slide: Filmmaker. 18 year old Writer and Director of the indie short film The Saving, who just happens to be a firm believer in the power of determination and the idea that dreams do come true for those who want them badly enough. Her journey started over a year ago, when she decided that a story she penned about a an accountant who shares the dreams of dead who must try to prevent a young woman from committing suicide to escape the guilt of her mother's death, must be made into a film. It burned to be created and she knew she could make it happen. MJ has admitted, that was about the extant of what she knew at that time. It was a long haul, she literally had to learn everything from the ground up; proper screenwriting, directing, the balancing act of being a great producer and marketer and above all else displaying the heart and soul of the short to her audience in a way that forced them outside of themselves and into the greater issues that humanity as a whole faces.
According to director MJ Slide "The completed film has been accepted to 5 festivals spanning various regions of the US and the UK and the dream of The Saving has now moved into its next phase, that would be 'Seattle Or Bust.'" Seattle Or Bust is the next goal in her filmmaking career, or as MJ is known to call it, part of her of ten year plan for indie film world domination. The Saving was accepted to Stiff (Seattle True Independent Film Festival) and is scheduled to screen June 10th of 2011. MJ Slide is quoted as saying "I would really like to attend the west coast screening in person." Also, Slide notes, "The ability to be able to attend the film festival in person would open up amazing opportunities for networking and connecting with filmmakers from all over the world." Seattle offers experiences that are singular to the West Coast and the West Coast indie film industry. MJ Slide, who's real name is Kaitlyn Eastin says, "They're just cool like that. Its all about growth, never putting yourself in a box, going for the top with making a real difference in other people's lives as the key to continuing forward." She'll make it to Seattle, one way or another. Its that determination playing in again. You can be a part of this. Youth director Daniel says "All dreams need support and social networking platforms including Twitter, Facebook and blogs are the keys that made Seattle or Bust so successful." In addition, Hoyos adds, "We raised $500 dollars in just 3 days beating our expectations but more help from the Indie Film community is always greatly appreciated."
Director Bio
Mahogany J. Slide, an 18 year old independent filmmaker and native of Greenville SC who just recently embarked on her directorial career. Inspired by a lifelong fascination with art, writing, and self expression she took the plunge into the world of filmmaking, both feet forward. She’s a self proclaimed nerd, lover of classic and modern science fiction, and has a passion for quality filmmaking well beyond her years.
Festival Director
Daniel R. Hoyos a native of Seattle, Washington is the currently the Head director of the new youth program with Seattle's True Independent Film Festival. With a passion for the world of film he is committed to the cause of helping young filmmakers achieve their dreams. This is his third film festival having previously work at the National Film Festival for Talented Youth and Children's Film Festival Seattle.
Links to ways one can help:
IndieGoGo Campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/Seattle-Or-Bust
MJ Side on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MJ_Slide
Daniel Hoyos on Twitter: http://twitter.com/danielhoyos
An independent short film.
Her name is MJ Slide: Filmmaker. 18 year old Writer and Director of the indie short film The Saving, who just happens to be a firm believer in the power of determination and the idea that dreams do come true for those who want them badly enough. Her journey started over a year ago, when she decided that a story she penned about a an accountant who shares the dreams of dead who must try to prevent a young woman from committing suicide to escape the guilt of her mother's death, must be made into a film. It burned to be created and she knew she could make it happen. MJ has admitted, that was about the extant of what she knew at that time. It was a long haul, she literally had to learn everything from the ground up; proper screenwriting, directing, the balancing act of being a great producer and marketer and above all else displaying the heart and soul of the short to her audience in a way that forced them outside of themselves and into the greater issues that humanity as a whole faces.
According to director MJ Slide "The completed film has been accepted to 5 festivals spanning various regions of the US and the UK and the dream of The Saving has now moved into its next phase, that would be 'Seattle Or Bust.'" Seattle Or Bust is the next goal in her filmmaking career, or as MJ is known to call it, part of her of ten year plan for indie film world domination. The Saving was accepted to Stiff (Seattle True Independent Film Festival) and is scheduled to screen June 10th of 2011. MJ Slide is quoted as saying "I would really like to attend the west coast screening in person." Also, Slide notes, "The ability to be able to attend the film festival in person would open up amazing opportunities for networking and connecting with filmmakers from all over the world." Seattle offers experiences that are singular to the West Coast and the West Coast indie film industry. MJ Slide, who's real name is Kaitlyn Eastin says, "They're just cool like that. Its all about growth, never putting yourself in a box, going for the top with making a real difference in other people's lives as the key to continuing forward." She'll make it to Seattle, one way or another. Its that determination playing in again. You can be a part of this. Youth director Daniel says "All dreams need support and social networking platforms including Twitter, Facebook and blogs are the keys that made Seattle or Bust so successful." In addition, Hoyos adds, "We raised $500 dollars in just 3 days beating our expectations but more help from the Indie Film community is always greatly appreciated."
Director Bio
Mahogany J. Slide, an 18 year old independent filmmaker and native of Greenville SC who just recently embarked on her directorial career. Inspired by a lifelong fascination with art, writing, and self expression she took the plunge into the world of filmmaking, both feet forward. She’s a self proclaimed nerd, lover of classic and modern science fiction, and has a passion for quality filmmaking well beyond her years.
Festival Director
Daniel R. Hoyos a native of Seattle, Washington is the currently the Head director of the new youth program with Seattle's True Independent Film Festival. With a passion for the world of film he is committed to the cause of helping young filmmakers achieve their dreams. This is his third film festival having previously work at the National Film Festival for Talented Youth and Children's Film Festival Seattle.
Links to ways one can help:
IndieGoGo Campaign: http://www.indiegogo.com/Seattle-Or-Bust
MJ Side on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MJ_Slide
Daniel Hoyos on Twitter: http://twitter.com/danielhoyos
Seattle's True Independent Film Festival
Daniel Hoyos
Daniel Hoyos
