Announces and Offers Free Websites to the Public has introduced a new service that is stimulating small businesses across America by providing free custom website design, free custom blog design, free eCommerce website design and free website rehab for those small businesses that are unhappy with their current website. Free websites help businesses build a better web presence at no cost.

Costa Mesa, CA, May 23, 2011 --( "Free websites are one thing, but free custom websites are another," notes Greg Trimble, customer support representative for Is it possible for a company to offer up a custom website for free? Keep reading to find out how offers small businesses a new service and alternative to the conventional methods of building a website.

Every business owner, family, and organization is concerned about the economic future of America. The economy is especially harsh on small business owners right now. Global and local competition is fierce, the cost of living is up, and whether it is a new business or an existing business, many owners are just not seeing the kind of traffic that they might expect or are accustomed to. Bottom line, business owners are looking to cut costs, and increase their customer base. But how does a business increase their customer base without increasing their marketing expenses?

"The unequivocal answer is the Internet. It is by far the cheapest, fastest, and most effective way to reach a larger audience. Every business in every industry must have a strong web presence in order to compete in this world, both now and especially in the future. Old physical storefronts that patrons peruse on Main Street are a thing of the past. The modern consumer uses a phone book as a door stop, and almost the entire planet has a smart phone or computer in which they will do their due diligence as they research their targeted product or service. Websites, blogs, and e-commerce sites have literally became the modern storefront and are now the first and possibly the last impression a business will make on it's new clients and customers. Truly, a website has become one of the most important pieces of the business puzzle. However, it is not wise for a business to post just any website. It is important that the website represents the business in a clean, classy, and inviting way or it could do more damage to the company image than not having one at all. So, how does someone go about establishing a solid web presence without spending a small fortune. In the past, there were just two choices." says Brian Barton, lead designer for FreeCustomWebsite.

1. DIY (Do-it-Yourself) Website Templates (Cheap & Amateur)

2. Expensive Custom Design Firms (Expensive & High Quality)

Now for the explanation. Chelsea Trimble, from Lily James Online said, "DIY (Do-it-yourself) free websites are a great idea for those that have web design knowledge, but the limitations are substantial when it comes to customizing the web pages. A business owner can end up looking at hundreds of generic templates, and trying to learn a new software package that allows them to build a website out of preset generic fields. Ultimately, they can end up spending hours trying to create a professional looking website and end up with an amateur looking assemblage of generic blocks, pictures, texts, and color schemes. On a positive note, it is cheap. The alternative is to turn to an expensive design firm that is going to spend a lot of time drawing up contracts and scheduling personal meetings, resulting in a custom website that is probably going to be out of this world. But seriously, does anyone really want to spend 5, 10, 20 grand on a website in this current economy? What if a business owner could achieve the same results it would receive from a custom design firm and at the same time not spend a dime." offers a new service that places their professional web designers at the disposal of the business trying to establish a web presence. A free website is built for business owners in order to help stimulate their business. This new service provides the perfect opportunity for a new start up business to enter the market and compete online without compromising quality or spending all of their capital. This service is also perfect for the existing business owner who has fallen on hard times and is trying to give their business a face lift on a tight budget. Businesses and organizations can start the process of receiving a free custom website either by initiating a toll free phone call or filling out an online form. This service is an excellent way for anyone to gain a professional web presence and improve their business and quality of life in the process.

Greg Trimble