New Data on California’s Teaching Workforce Available on Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning Website

New California teacher workforce data from the 2009-2010 school year is available on the CFTL website at The new data allow users to examine the distribution of novice teachers by school characteristics such as the percentage of minority students and students in poverty at the school, as well as the percentage of students passing the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE

Santa Cruz, CA, May 24, 2011 --( The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning has posted new California teacher workforce data from the 2009-2010 school year on its website at

The new data allow users to examine the distribution of novice teachers by school characteristics such as the percentage of minority students and students in poverty at the school, as well as the percentage of students passing the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE). All data are available on a county-by-county basis and data from previous years are also available.

The content, platform and format for the website are designed especially for use by policymakers, education leadership, philanthropic organizations, researchers and others interested in public education in California to enable them to plan more effectively for preparing, recruiting, placing and supporting teachers. This important resource provides access to data that has been compiled and analyzed in unique ways for the Center by SRI International. These data sets, which provide information and analysis about California’s teaching workforce that is not found elsewhere, are available free of charge and can also help local decision makers to target funds more accurately to programs that strengthen teaching practice and evaluate progress.

“We hope that this important resource will inform public debate and offer guidance to policymakers and educators as they work to strengthen California’s teaching workforce,” said Margaret Gaston, President of the Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning. “Most particularly, in times of economic crisis like these, sound and reliable information should be used to target scarce resources to those areas where they are needed the most.”

The Center for the Future of Teaching and Learning has provided data and analysis of the state’s teaching workforce for over a decade and has regularly brought together information from numerous and disparate data sources into one place to inform decision-making as part of its mission to ensure that every child has a fully prepared and effective teacher.

Funding for the Center’s web-based data resource was provided by the S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation. The web-based data platform can be accessed online at

Stone's Throw
John McDonald