DC Non-Profit Giving Laptops to DC's Top Graduates for College

As a part of their Successful Peaceful Youth Initiative, Total Sunshine, Inc. (TSI) will host it’s 3rd Annual School Grade Rewards Ceremony to support top graduates from public high schools in our nation’s capital. Laptop computers and various gifts will be given to DC Valedictorians and Salutatorians for their diligence in academics. The ceremony will be held at the Anacostia Community Museum in Washington, DC on Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 3:00PM.

Washington, DC, May 28, 2011 --(PR.com)-- TSI is a DC based non-profit corporation and television show, whose mission includes a role as the “Medic to Society” via “Promoting Smiles.” This corporation was founded on Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday in Jan. 2003 by a DC Paramedic in order to combat the hopelessness and despair prevalent among youth and adults, with programs and services that empower, educate, and positively motivate.

Many youth in our nation’s capital come from homes that lack resources for tools for academic success. Last year, all but one of the top graduates from the DC public high schools had a need for the laptop they received at the TSI ceremony. The long-term goal of TSI for this ceremony is to make it a nationwide annual event, which rewards and supports all Valedictorians and Salutatorians.

“Our goal is to show youth that if they strive for excellence in scholastics, they shall be recognized, encouraged, and supported regardless of their socio-economic background. We're going to film this event for broadcast within our television show to highlight DC’s youth who are on the road to success despite difficult backgrounds, including low income and single parent homes. We are really promoting smiles now! I love this!” – Merilyn Holmes, TSI President/Founder

President Obama and the First Family, the DC Mayor, DC City Council Members, DC School Board Members, the DCPS Chancellor, OSSE representatives, parents, teachers, school administrators and press will be among those invited to honor, recognize and support these youth for their tenacity in academics.

TSI is still gathering rewards and support for their ceremony from private citizens and local businesses. All donations are tax deductible and can be made online at www.totalsunshine.org For more information call (202) 575-0462, or e-mail TSI at: info@totalsunshine.org

Total Sunshine Incorporated
Merilyn Holmes
(202) 575-0462
(202) 213-6504