Kultur Announces the New Release from Sites of the World’s Cultures; Delphi: Center of the World. This DVD Will be Released June 28, 2011.

New York, NY, June 03, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Delphi: Center of the World Debuts on DVD June 28

Kultur is proud to announce the new DVD release from the series Sites of the World’s Cultures; Delphi: Center of the World. This DVD of perhaps the most mysterious city of Ancient Greece will be released June 28, 2011, for a suggested retail price of $19.99.

Delphi was once regarded as the center of the world. It was one of the most important intellectual and cultural sites of antiquity. Anyone who could afford it sought the advice of the oracle of Delphi before making a decision in both personal and public affairs.

Some of these oracle sayings have survived to the present day, over two thousand years later. The film describes the faith of the Ancient Greeks, whose ideas in fact often differ surprisingly from the conventional wisdom on this subject. Delphi's impenetrable myths, its mysterious fortune-telling practices and bloodthirsty animal sacrifices have left a trail which is still visible and palpable today, the trail of a legendary oracle which influenced European history for almost 1,000 years.

Delphi: Center of the World
Street Date: June 28, 2011
SRP: $19.99
SKU: D4720
Run Time 60 Minutes
Territory: North America--Region 1
UPC: 032031472099
ISBN: 978-0-7697-9098-5


More information on this release and other Kultur DVDs can be found online at www.kultur.com

Contact for Further Information:
Kultur International Films
Tel: 732-229-2343
Kultur International Films Ltd
John Winfrey
Contact them via email at JohnW@kultur.com.