ColdSpark Targets Enterprise Deployments of Sendmail and Postfix for Replacement with the SparkEngine™ Mail Transport Platform

Legacy open-source email infrastructure can no longer meet the demands of large enterprise email networks

Denver, CO, March 16, 2007 --( ColdSpark™ (, the leader in next-generation enterprise messaging infrastructure, today announced an upgrade campaign focused on enterprise deployments of legacy open-source mail transport agents (MTAs). In conjunction with this campaign, ColdSpark also made available a white paper that details why an enterprise should upgrade its legacy email infrastructure technology with ColdSpark’s SparkEngine™ Mail Transport Platform.

Legacy open-source email network applications and mail transport agents, such as Sendmail and Postfix, are among the most widely deployed applications in history. Given the demands placed on them by increased email volumes, security threats, compliance necessities, management requirements and operating performance, these traditional systems are becoming less efficient and more expensive to maintain.

"Today’s enterprises use email to run their businesses, yet their email network infrastructure is often significantly less advanced, scalable, or reliable than other business systems,” explained Kelly Wanser, CEO of ColdSpark. “Our customers are modernizing their mail networks to ensure they can meet all of their requirements – now and in the future - while simultaneously leveraging email as a strategic asset across their businesses. The adoption of the SparkEngine by the operators of the world’s largest mail networks, including top financial institutions, indicates the importance of a new approach and the power of the platform approach to enterprise email infrastructure.”

The SparkEngine platform replaces legacy MTA systems with a powerful, flexible software-based mail transport platform (MTP). The platform offers an array of functionality and capabilities to support new requirements and improve architecture and management models. Key functionalities include inbound and outbound message delivery, internal message routing, policy-based processing, security, authentication, encryption, failure-processing, delivery optimization, advanced traffic management and logging and, most importantly, the ability to readily integrate applications and services onto the email network infrastructure.

“The SparkEngine is the evolution of email network technology to something truly enterprise-class,” said Scott Brown, CTO of ColdSpark. “It corrects a number of the deficiencies of legacy MTAs and, most importantly, offers an open API architecture that supports a services-oriented architecture (SOA) for SMTP operations. This enables the consolidation and streamlining of email networks even as services, such as archiving, policy-scanning, encryption, to the organization can be expanded and differentiated across business units.”

The SparkEngine platform allows customers to:

-Intelligently process, route and deliver email rapidly, efficiently and successfully;
-Average a replacement ratio of one SparkEngine for every seven legacy MTAs, dramatically reducing hardware and energy costs;
-Optimize compliance with industry regulations and corporate policies;
-Secure the email network perimeter, encrypt message traffic, improve trust for email correspondence and mitigate fraud;
-Expand services by providing an extensible platform that integrates with enterprise business, operations and management applications;
-Improve manageability of the messaging infrastructure by consolidating mail traffic management and control, such as policy and compliance, into one system;
-Maximize ROI by streamlining mail network operations, improving performance and future-proofing the enterprise email infrastructure against future threats and requirements.

The SparkEngine is backward compatible with most Postfix and Sendmail capabilities - including applications based on MILTER - for turn-key upgrade of legacy systems.

For More Information
For more information on how your organization can take advantage of this campaign, please contact ColdSpark at Additionally, ColdSpark has published a new whitepaper, titled Beyond Postfix and Sendmail, which discusses aspects of legacy, open-source email applications that every enterprise should consider. This whitepaper can be downloaded by visiting

About ColdSpark, Inc.
ColdSpark has created the next generation of enterprise email infrastructure, based on the SparkEngine™ Mail Transport Platform (MTP), a new type of message platform for mail networks. The patent-pending SparkEngine is the foundation of ColdSpark's suite of advanced email security, compliance and customer care solutions, designed to solve important challenges facing enterprises in the capabilities, management and performance of email for critical business operations. Founded in 2001 by email technology veterans, ColdSpark’s customers, include Fidelity Investments, JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch, Lehman Brothers, Washington Mutual Bank, Bear Stearns and Equifax.


Media Contact:
Chris Warfield
Sterling Communications, Inc.
ColdSpark, Inc.
Mike Puterbaugh
10901 W 120 Ave, Ste 150
Broomfield, CO 80021