Warm Feet, Warm Hearts

Indianapolis Church Distributes Eighty Cases of Socks

Indianapolis, IN, March 16, 2007 --(PR.com)-- “So many socks! I was at the loading dock yesterday to help out with box after box of socks coming in to help out our homeless neighbors,” said a volunteer at Horizon House.

Jesus MCC, an Indianapolis-based congregation with a commitment to community ministry, recently managed the distribution of more than 5800 pairs of socks, baby booties and headbands to a variety of organizations in Central Indiana. The donation came from For Bare Feet, a family-run business in rural Indiana.

Twenty one years ago, Sharon Rivenbark, a fifth grade school teacher, started a sock manufacturing company with $1200 she borrowed from her parents - enough to buy one antique banner knitting machine and some shop space in Nashville, Indiana.

The business was to be for her son, Tim, who had to drop out of Indiana University at age 18 because of a brain tumor. Doctors had told Sharon that Tim would, in time, become mentally handicapped. So, Sharon started the sock business so her son would have a place in the world, a business of his own.

After Tim passed away in January of 1987, there was no question in Sharon's mind that For Bare Feet was going to be successful. "It was all I had left of my son," she said.

Four SUV loads, or roughly 30 cases of socks, went to Horizon House, a key part of Jesus MCC’s Homeless Ministry Outreach. A Horizon House representative said, “We value our partnership with JMCC so very much, and our neighbors will deeply appreciate the warmth those socks will bring.”

In all, Jesus MCC managed distribution of close to 80 cases of socks, headbands and booties to organizations including Horizon House, InterFaith Hospitality, the Julian Center, Holy Family Shelter, St. Vincent DePaul, Veterans of America, and Clarian/Methodist’s Beds and Bretches.

About Jesus MCC
At Jesus MCC, their Vision is to become one of the world's foremost Emerging Churches, then share that model of ministry with others, ultimately affecting the course of the global Christian movement. Congregations who self-identify as Emerging Churches are generally motivated by a deep desire to move beyond the conservative/liberal divide that has come to characterize modern Christianity and get back to focusing on the basics of following Jesus, as presented in the Holy Gospels. Emerging Churches encourage honest questions and allow room for freedom of thought and conscience.

About Horizon House
With a commitment to hospitality, respect, and dignity, the mission of Horizon House is to be an advocate for homeless neighbors and to provide personalized services that empower them to permanently end their homelessness.

About For Bare Feet
For Bare Feet produces thousands of designs of socks for an incredible array of clients; resorts, national parks, gift stores, sporting goods chains, department stores, college bookstores, catalogs, theme parks, and internet web sites.

Charlotte Egler, Jesus MCC Homeless Ministry, friends@jesusmcc.com, (317) 722-0000

Whitney Gent, Horizon House, csr@horizonhouse.cc, (317) 423-8909

Sharon Rivenbark, For Bare Feet, fbf@forbarefeet.com, (812) 988-6674

Jesus MCC Homeless Ministry
Charlotte Egler