Ghost Hunting at Cusworth Hall, Doncaster, with Simply Ghost Nights
In the hearse room after some amazing glass divination and table tipping the ghost hunters attempted to see if the spirits in the room could in fact move the table with nobody's hands actually on the table, with baited breath and their fingers raised above the table, the table momentarily moved for about 5 seconds rocking to and fro, not once but on three separate occasions.
Yorkshire, United Kingdom, June 06, 2011 --( With a full house at Cusworth Hall, the team were enthralled to listen to the ghost hunters tales of their own ghostly experiences, with so many new faces who were so excited to attend their first ghost hunting event, the atmosphere was electric inside the packed greeting room. The Simply Ghost Night team were overwhelmed with the turnout of ghost hunters and they had indeed had to stop selling tickets months prior to the event.
The night's ghost hunting at Cusworth Hall, in Doncaster started quiet for some of the groups, with reports of tapping, light analomies, and movement of ghostly dark shadows, as well as k2 meter spikes. However, after a sumptuous buffet, and some light refreshments and with everyone’s batteries fully charged, the nights activity literally went into overload. Numerous groups even commented that they had even heard the panting of a spectral dog.
In the hearse room after some amazing glass divination and table tipping, the ghost hunters attempted to see if the spirits in the room could in fact move the table with nobody's hands actually on the table, with baited breath and their fingers raised above the table the table momentarily moved for about 5 seconds, rocking to and fro, not once but on three separate occasions, this totally amazed Olwyn, Gwen, Nick and even the skeptical Sharon, so much so they could not comprehend what they had witnessed.
In two separate vigils, both team leaders also mentioned that a torch had turned on and off on numerous occasions by the invisible hands of spirit people, this totally stunned all those who saw the incidents. Some ghost hunters stated that the batteries in their torches and cameras had gone flat prematurely, all said that they were new batteries that they had used.
In one vigil, a brave ghost hunter called Simon, screamed and squealed in terror after he had felt the back of his coat pulled by ghostly unseen hands, which absolutely petrified him to the point that he in fact leapt forward with a frightened yell, once he had settled down he resumed the vigil and was speechless as the table began to tip when requested by the spirit inhabitants of Cusworth Hall. Loud banging and knocking was also reported in many vigils in search of spirit communication in this grand building.
Sarah, Paula, and Pauline all stated that they felt as if their hair was being pulled by unseen hands, Jamie Lee, Angela and Andrea reported seeing a ghostly shadow in the Chapel area, and strange lights were seen too and a foul fusty smell was detected by the group also.
In the hearse room one group of ghost hunters were participating in glass divination when the glass spelled out B.A.T.T.Y, the group was absolutely thrilled when they looked on the internet and found that there was indeed a Mr. Batty-Wrightson who actually used to own Cusworth Hall. The majority of vigils in the hearse room all team members reported aggressive table tipping with the table moving around the room chasing our ghost hunters on request around the room, and in one vigil the table literally walked onto the landing.
As Gary, Joy, Liz and Jamie all stated that Simply Ghost Nights not only provide fantastic locations, but make sure everyone feels as though they are part of the team too, and that Simply Ghost Nights are second to none in coordinating excellent and professional events.
The night's ghost hunting at Cusworth Hall, in Doncaster started quiet for some of the groups, with reports of tapping, light analomies, and movement of ghostly dark shadows, as well as k2 meter spikes. However, after a sumptuous buffet, and some light refreshments and with everyone’s batteries fully charged, the nights activity literally went into overload. Numerous groups even commented that they had even heard the panting of a spectral dog.
In the hearse room after some amazing glass divination and table tipping, the ghost hunters attempted to see if the spirits in the room could in fact move the table with nobody's hands actually on the table, with baited breath and their fingers raised above the table the table momentarily moved for about 5 seconds, rocking to and fro, not once but on three separate occasions, this totally amazed Olwyn, Gwen, Nick and even the skeptical Sharon, so much so they could not comprehend what they had witnessed.
In two separate vigils, both team leaders also mentioned that a torch had turned on and off on numerous occasions by the invisible hands of spirit people, this totally stunned all those who saw the incidents. Some ghost hunters stated that the batteries in their torches and cameras had gone flat prematurely, all said that they were new batteries that they had used.
In one vigil, a brave ghost hunter called Simon, screamed and squealed in terror after he had felt the back of his coat pulled by ghostly unseen hands, which absolutely petrified him to the point that he in fact leapt forward with a frightened yell, once he had settled down he resumed the vigil and was speechless as the table began to tip when requested by the spirit inhabitants of Cusworth Hall. Loud banging and knocking was also reported in many vigils in search of spirit communication in this grand building.
Sarah, Paula, and Pauline all stated that they felt as if their hair was being pulled by unseen hands, Jamie Lee, Angela and Andrea reported seeing a ghostly shadow in the Chapel area, and strange lights were seen too and a foul fusty smell was detected by the group also.
In the hearse room one group of ghost hunters were participating in glass divination when the glass spelled out B.A.T.T.Y, the group was absolutely thrilled when they looked on the internet and found that there was indeed a Mr. Batty-Wrightson who actually used to own Cusworth Hall. The majority of vigils in the hearse room all team members reported aggressive table tipping with the table moving around the room chasing our ghost hunters on request around the room, and in one vigil the table literally walked onto the landing.
As Gary, Joy, Liz and Jamie all stated that Simply Ghost Nights not only provide fantastic locations, but make sure everyone feels as though they are part of the team too, and that Simply Ghost Nights are second to none in coordinating excellent and professional events.
Simply Ghost Nights
Stuart Dawson
0843 289 1215
Stuart Dawson
0843 289 1215
