Keeping Baby Close Has Long Term Benefits - Central Ohio Woman to Demonstrate Baby Carriers
Columbus, OH, March 18, 2007 --( Researchers have found that close contact with a loving caregiver helps a baby’s brain develop and may even prevent ADD, colic, and sleep disorders. Using baby carriers allows parents to foster this close relationship while keeping their hands free and getting things done. Alissa DeRouchie of will be demonstrating a variety of baby carriers at Baby Bonanza, March 25 at the Aladdin Shrine Center (3850 Stelzer Rd, Columbus, OH 43219).
Doctors recommend that babies be held as much as possible. The human contact helps build connections in the baby’s brain, pathways of learning that help baby discover and understand the world around him. Babies who are allowed to experience life in close contact with an adult and at adult level are more engaged and spend more time in a “quiet alert” state, which is ideal for learning.
Mrs. DeRouchie says, “We know that close contact is good for babies, baby carriers let us give babies the best while freeing up our arms.” The use of baby carriers allows parents to go about their daily tasks; at the same time giving babies much needed physical contact.
Some carriers are simple pieces of cloth, while others have buckles and straps. Mrs. DeRouchie is determined to show Central Ohio parents how easy it is to “wear” their baby. “It’s such a convenient alternative to bulky strollers,” she says.
The Baby Bonanza runs from 10am to 5pm on Sunday, March 25, 2007. Admission is $4, with discount coupons available at Babies ‘R Us.
Doctors recommend that babies be held as much as possible. The human contact helps build connections in the baby’s brain, pathways of learning that help baby discover and understand the world around him. Babies who are allowed to experience life in close contact with an adult and at adult level are more engaged and spend more time in a “quiet alert” state, which is ideal for learning.
Mrs. DeRouchie says, “We know that close contact is good for babies, baby carriers let us give babies the best while freeing up our arms.” The use of baby carriers allows parents to go about their daily tasks; at the same time giving babies much needed physical contact.
Some carriers are simple pieces of cloth, while others have buckles and straps. Mrs. DeRouchie is determined to show Central Ohio parents how easy it is to “wear” their baby. “It’s such a convenient alternative to bulky strollers,” she says.
The Baby Bonanza runs from 10am to 5pm on Sunday, March 25, 2007. Admission is $4, with discount coupons available at Babies ‘R Us.
Sprout Soup
Alissa DeRouchie
Alissa DeRouchie
