Glencoe Schools Need Support

During the Glencoe Sidewalk Sale on June 17-18th, North Shore Natural Medicine will be giving free chair massages, posture screenings, and spine checks. In addition, new patients will receive first day services in exchange for a $20 donation to the Glencoe Educational Foundation.

Glencoe, IL, June 12, 2011 --( Glencoe School District 35 needs support to provide new technologies and enhance educational excellence. North Shore Natural Medicine is teaming up with the Glencoe Educational Foundation to help raise support. Dr. Candice Subaitis and Dr. Nathan Zimring of North Shore Natural Medicine are urging people to donate to District 35 in exchange for healthcare services this upcoming weekend. During the Glencoe Sidewalk Sale on June 17-18th, North Shore Natural Medicine will be giving free chair massages, posture screenings, and spine checks. In addition, new patients will receive first day services in exchange for a $20 donation to the Glencoe Educational Foundation.

Dr. Subaitis says their office is “really looking forward to giving something back and helping the schools of this community. We love being able to provide our time and talents to people in exchange for their donation for such an incredible cause.”

The Glencoe Educational Foundations mission is to sharpen the classroom experience by teaching students the value of giving back to their community.

Dr. Subaitis encourages people to take advantage of this offer on June 17-18th to receive healthcare services in exchange for a donation to the Glencoe Educational Foundation. For more information please visit

North Shore Natural Medicine
Candice Subaitis