Would You Like to Be a Member of the Oyster Club?

Aberdeen, United Kingdom, March 20, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Jackie Headland has announced the launch of her website www.jackieheadland.com by posing the question, “Would You Like To Be A Member Of The Oyster Club?” and continues by asking, “Have you ever wondered why there are people who are less intelligent and capable than you and yet they are infinitely more successful and live the abundant life you dream about?”

Jackie explains that The Oyster Club is a very small and select club of successful people.  Research has shown that around 80% of the world’s wealth is owned by 20% of the population.  What this means is that 20% of the population have discovered the key to unlocking the abundance that surrounds them and 80% are constantly talking about one day...

One day their ship will come in.  One day they’re going to start their own business, leave the rat race and follow their bliss…always one day in some non-specified future.  Do you know people who are always going to do something?  Are you one of them?  Whatever happened to the present tense?

Why is sooner rather than later so important?  Because every one of us has to deal with an irreplaceable, finite commodity called Time.  Sooner is often the difference between success and failure.

How passionate are you about the work you do?  It’s very difficult to take action when your passion (motivation) is low.  Have you forgotten why you are doing the work you do?  Have you forgotten why you chose to start up your particular business? Your why’s are what motivate you.

Jackie Headland says, “I have learned that my greatest motivation comes when I choose, in spite of all the demands on my time, to spend each day in synch with the values that drive me.  When I do this, my passion remains high and feeds my sense of urgency.  Taking action today becomes easy and when I take action a generous universe conspires to direct an unlimited flow of abundance my way.  As if by magic the world becomes my oyster.”

Learn how you can take action, connect to your abundance and qualify for free membership in the Oyster Club. Membership is small but the views from the club window are all you’ve ever dreamed of!

For more information, visit www.jackieheadland.com to learn how to Connect To Your Abundance.  This recently launched website is designed to help you to discover and define what is most important to you so you can build your work and life around those things that fill you with joy and passion and which guarantee your entry to The Oyster Club.

Jackie Headland
01224 743711