15 Year Old Finds Indiegogo Priceless in Funding Original Songs to Pave the Way to College. Love to Play, Live to Sing

Loveland Colorado, a 15 year old Singer / Songwriter finds Indiegogo’s crowd funding a priceless tool for raising money to record original songs to help get noticed by colleges for music scholarships.

Loveland, CO, June 22, 2011 --(PR.com)-- High School student Kalie Ann Sullivan may be the youngest junior at her high school, but she is known by her teachers as a dedicated honors student who loves performing, music and theatre as well as science, literature and geography.

Kalie, who is no stranger to performing, has been involved in public performances since she was 8 years old. She has been a regular music guest on KRFC 88.9 FM Radio with DJ Vincent Burkardt in Fort Collins, CO. Burkardt, who offered his support in her campaign, refers to Kalie as “a great talent.” Kalie has also been a music guest several times on KSON Radio with Cliff and prior DJ Tanner in her hometown of San Diego, CA.

Kalie learned of crowd funding through Indiegogo while wanting to finish recording her original songs. She felt it would be a great way to gain exposure not only through her fan base, but in the hopes that a College would see her videos and offer scholarship support in the Music Arts. “A few weeks ago, I received a postcard in the mail from New York University who received information on my CSAP tests,” Sullivan said. “After the postcard, I received an email from NYU informing me of their music scholarships. They also followed me on Twitter,” added Sullivan.

According to the young singer, the college must have searched her online social activity because the CSAP tests were only academic based and qualified her for an Ivy League school, but her performances had already established an internet presence with almost two million YouTube views, her own website, a music MySpace and Facebook profile.

Kalie has already received $260 dollars in her $4600 goal for funding. “I tried to offer creative perks, which is basically the ability for supporters to prepay for my songs,” said Sullivan. A seven minute video about Kalie’s goal for College and recording her music shows the teen very down to earth and humbled about her future goals. She speaks of music as not being a competition, but an art which allows the musician to connect with people. When asked of her favorite band or musician, Kalie responded without hesitation “Dougie Poynter from McFly.”

The creative perks are named after the heavens from the Guardian at $5 which receives a thank you postcard in the mail, the Nobel which costs $25 and receives a digital download for both songs, the Majesty costs $50 and will receive a signed CD with both songs. The Karma costs $100 and gives the contributor a CD plus the singer will create a video recording their song choice and upload it to YouTube. The most expensive contribution is called “The God” which costs $500 and the contributor gets all perks plus they also get to help the singer name her original song.

Kalie is currently working on another song release for songwriter Jack Trudel of San Francisco, CA. Trudel’s song titled “Broken” is almost complete as Kalie and local Colorado musician Chris Smith are completing the tracks for the final recording due out the end of summer 2011. Kalie’s next performance is scheduled for Saturday August 6th, 2011 at the Spotlight Music Store in Fort Collins Co from 5 to 6 p.m.

Interested in an interview you can contact Kalie Ann Sullivan at kalieann.com. or indiegogo.com/kaliesullivan and also email Kalie at kalieannsullivan@gmail.com

Kalie Ann Sullivan
Julie Aydlott