Taiwanese Companies in Europe - What it Requires to be Successful

A research project carried out by: The Department of International Business and Management Studies of Hogeschool Zuyd from the Netherlands, in cooperation with leap2market Limited from London.

London, United Kingdom, March 21, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Over 600 Taiwanese companies are exhibiting on CeBIT this year. This fact alone illustrates the desire Taiwanese companies have to do business in Europe. Leap2market, a pan-European consulting firm with offices in Taiwan, has worked with several Taiwanese companies in the past to help them becoming more successful in Europe. “The experience indicates that there is a gap between desire and plan on the one hand, and the ability to generate success in Europe on the other hand. This phenomenon prompted leap2market, to ask the department of international business and management studies of Hogeschool Zuyd, to conduct a research programme into the factors that influence success and failure for Taiwanese companies in their quest for market share in Europe,” says Magnus Lund, Director of leap2market in Helsinki.

The work that was carried out comprises desk-top research and literature studies into the strategies and the successes of Taiwanese businesses. An analysis has been made of the facts that were collected. In addition to that, the report contains results of an extensive field research programme. For the field research many Taiwanese companies active in Europe, and European customers that have been doing business with Taiwanese companies, were interviewed extensively. “The conclusions are revealing,” says David Chang, Director of leap2market in Taiwan. David also noted, “The research work clearly indicates that Taiwanese companies, even the ones already successful in Europe today, only realise a fraction of their potential. I am delighted with the outcome of this work because it indicates that with limited additional resources there is much more revenue to be generated in Europe”. The project team explicitly looked at both OEM/ODM suppliers as well as branded products.

Some of the conclusions of the report are:
* Marketing strategies for the EU market of Taiwanese companies can, with only limited adjustments, yield more business;
* Europeans will buy more if the Taiwanese challenge them harder and sell more actively. The passive sales style of most of the Taiwanese companies is rather ineffective in Europe;
* The quality and price the Taiwanese offer is excellent, however they are slow in adapting their product designs and after sales processes to the European customers’ requirements. This adversely affects the growth of Taiwanese product and service sales in the EU.

The report also includes an essay on the characteristics of doing business in Europe, and a lot of information which is valuable for Taiwanese businesspeople who want to successfully conquer a part of the European market.

The research clearly indicates that Taiwanese companies can do much better at winning business in Europe than they are doing today.

The report can be obtained for € 185,- (excl. postage and packaging). It can be ordered by email: ew@leap2market.com

leap2market Ltd.
David Chang