Poetry Writing Workshop

This workshop is designed to enhance poetic skills whether you are a beginner simply looking for a place to start, or a poet looking to refine or perfect your creative work. Participants will also learn how and where to market their work. There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Binghamton, NY, June 26, 2011 --(PR.com)-- Beginning July 13th, at RiverRead Books...

“Poetry is all that is worth remembering in life.” - William Hazlitt

Description: You have ember-like memories, rich experiences…you often make startling or mystifying observations and you want to transform them into memorable verse. In short, you have something to say. This workshop will give you the tools & techniques to convert your discoveries, your insights, your fragments of thought & emotion into vivid and moving poems.

Participants will learn how to shape sound, image, diction, meter and theme into well-crafted poems. This workshop is designed to enhance poetic skills whether you are a beginner simply looking for a place to start, or a poet looking to refine or perfect your creative work. Participants will also learn how and where to market their work. There are no pre-requisites for this course.

Course Focus:
Poetic Invention
Developing Voice/Style
Symbols, Details & Imagery
Sonic & Sensory Levels
Rhetorical Tropes
Creative Typography
Rhythm & Metrics
Traditional and Non-Traditional Forms
Lyrical, Narrative & Dramatic Modes

Format: Workshops are conducted at RiverRead in an informal, interactive atmosphere. Instructor will offer mini-lectures, conduct small group discussions, and facilitate peer critiques. Participants will refine their own works-in-progress, in and out of class.

Instructor: For 20 years Bob Comenole has taught writing, literature and communications at several colleges, including Miami University, Siena College, the State University of New York and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Mr. Comenole, author of Bushel & Lamp, Selected Stories, Essays & Verse, and the novella The Long Night of Clement C. Craggogre, has just completed work on a collection of short stories, Perplexed by the Egg & Other Stories.

Fee: $89 for five two-hour sessions, plus private conference with instructor.

To view what past students have said about their writing workshops, visit:

“Poetry is everywhere; it just needs editing.” ~ James Tate

The course meets once a week for 5 consecutive sessions. Evening class runs from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. Afternoon class runs from 2:30 – 4:30.

Registration is limited to 12 participants for each course, so be sure to enroll as soon as possible! If you’d like to register, please send a note directly to the instructor at: snowcap2@hotmail.com

RiverRead Books
Connie Barnes
(607) 217-7292